How many liked "V for Vendetta" ?

by frankiespeakin 36 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • kurtbethel

    I liked it enough, realizing that the movie had another layer of meaning.

    I have never read the original comic series so these thoughts are of the movie version.

    V is obviously some sort of Judas goat. It was not unnoticed that the mass of people in the uprising were wearing V "Guy Fawkes" masks, symbolizing the collective herd following after a manufactured hero set up for them by the Powers That Be.

    Blowing up the parliament building accomplished nothing towards gaining freedom. It was a pure psyop. Who really thinks that any legislature has any true authority in a regime like that? It was permitted to be blown up by the PTB because they had moved on to the next phase and no longer needed the pretense of a democratic institution. Has anyone paid attention to the US congress lately? If it were blown up today would we be any more free? Would the PTB here change any of their policies to benefit the public for the better?

    The movie was a feel good ride for people who value freedom, but when looked at more deeply it was actually rubbing your nose in the fact that your freedom is getting robbed and you are too stupid to do anything about it.

    I still enjoyed it though.

  • GetOverIt

    I liked it.

  • Tatiana

    Some great comments. I absolutely loved the movie. And the fact that evil Agent Smith from The Matrix was behind the mask had me alt during it.

  • frankiespeakin


    The movie was a feel good ride for people who value freedom, but when looked at more deeply it was actually rubbing your nose in the fact that your freedom is getting robbed and you are too stupid to do anything about it.

    Yes, it is definately makeing it an issue giving up freedom for imagined national security or interest.One can see the issues raised as pointing toward Bush, British and US Imperialism. The ideas expressed in the movie reverberate thru my being.

  • heathen

    I thought it was good but didn't care for the drawn out lesbian part .I thought even the pirates of carribean 3 showed what happens when tyranny and corruption get out of control. The king of britain calls martial law and hangs people just by accusation of being associated with pirates.

  • frankiespeakin

    I really do see a trend on the part of creative artist, to bring to realization, creatively,, ideas who time has come, "V for Vendetta" was just one of these types of artisitc creations. I would suggest all who haven't yet to click on some of these renditions of "V" there are some very noble ideas contained in them.

    I really feel innovative, and unbounded creativity, of noble minded artist are of great value towards the human specie's survival.

  • frankiespeakin

    I think the movie has relivence for the people of america today, as our civil liberties are under attack.

    Naomi Wolf Celebrated Author of "The End of America" :

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