How many liked "V for Vendetta" ?

by frankiespeakin 36 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • dinah

    I LOVED IT!!! Went out and bought a copy on DVD. This movie's "villian" is the good guy. Natalie Portman was awesome.

    It was the perfect time to make this film what with the "War on Terror" and all.

    I fell in love with V.

  • KenseiShimonzu

    Loved it,so much so..i saw it 2x in the theaters,and bought the dvd when it came out...and Nat was fine in that movie,esp when V made her dress up to entrap the pedo of my fav parts:P-KenShi

  • TopHat

    It's just a "1984" nothing will change.

  • wanderlustguy
    I'm a big fan as well...

    Go figure.

  • frankiespeakin


    Read your profile quote from the movie. Must be an Anarchist(bad word to some to others Anarchist means true Democracy). The reclaiming of power from the "State" and giving it back to the people, regardless of wealth and social status, a real grassroots Democracy.

    Grassroots democracy is a tendency towards designing political processes where as much decision-making authority as practical is shifted to the organization's lowest geographic level of organization. To cite a specific hypothetical example, a national grassroots organization, such as an NGO, would place as much decision-making power as possible in the hands of a local chapter instead of the head office. The principle is that for democratic power to be best exercised it must be vested in a local community instead of isolated, atomized individuals. As such, grassroots organizations exist in contrast to so-called participatory systems, which tend to allow individuals equal access to decision-making irrespective of their standing in a local community, or which particular community they reside in. As well, grassroots systems also differ from representative systems that allow local communities or national memberships to elect representatives who then go on to make decisions.
    The difference between the three systems comes down to where they rest on two different axes: the rootedness in a community (i.e. grassroots versus national or international); and the ability of self-appointed individuals to participate in the decision-making process (i.e. participatory versus representative.) Many anarchists advocate all decision-making made by grassroots democracy as opposed to the state with agreements between communities made by voluntary federations.

    Participatory democracy is a process emphasizing the broad participation (decision making) of constituents in the direction and operation of political systems. While etymological roots imply that any democracy would rely on the participation of its citizens (the Greek demos and kratos combine to suggest that "the people rule"), traditional representative democracies tend to limit citizen participation to voting, leaving actual governance to politicians. Participatory democracy strives to create opportunities for all members of a political group to make meaningful contributions to decision-making, and seeks to broaden the range of people who have access to such opportunities. Because so much information must be gathered for the overall decision-making process to succeed, technology may provide important forces leading to the type of empowerment needed for participatory models, especially those technological tools that enable community narratives and correspond to the accretion of knowledge. Some scholars argue for refocusing the term 'participatory democracy' on community-based activity within the domain of civil society, based on the belief that a strong non-governmental public sphere is a precondition for the emergence of a strong liberal democracy. [1] These scholars tend to stress the value of separation between the realm of civil society and the formal political realm. [2

    And too the rest of you glad to see you all liked it.

  • seawolf

    awesome movie! One of my favorites.

    Remember remember the fifth of November
    The gunpowder treason and plot
    I know of no reason
    why the gunpowder treason
    should ever be forgot.

    brings a tear to my eye just typing that out.

  • frankiespeakin

    Oh I just think this song goes so well with this video clip. And the best kissing of a masked man I ever saw()

    "Bittersweet" V for Vendetta :

  • changeling



  • sammielee24

    Loved it. Too close to home though. sammieswife.

  • tijkmo

    i didn't think i would like it

    but i did

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