What is the official belief about DFed ones?

by sosad 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • JH
    if one should remain in this disfellowshiped condition till he died, it would mean his everlasting destruction

    Is this what they still teach?

    A person could have been disfellowshipped earlier in life, and unable to return, due to health problems or any other problems out of his control.

  • mouthy

    I was d/f in 1987 the elders told me "You are DEAD" to Jehovah " But if I said I DID believe Jesus came in 1914 ,I could be reinstated...Like a resurrection to Jehovah

  • sosad

    Hi Mouthy - I remember being told similiar as a dfed teenager. My parents biggest fear was that I would die before I was reinstated - I rmember my dad telling me to be careful while driving etc.

    Jw's are very dellusional about their beliefs and will lie (theocratic warfare) to make sure they are painted in the correct way. i made sure that the Psyciatrist treating my brother understood this

  • mouthy

    sure that the Psyciatrist treating my brother understood this

    Good for you give him that book I suggested on your mental illness thread

  • tula
    15 Not attending the meetings of the congregation is one of the most obvious ways of forsaking and neglecting the “house of our God.” If a member of God’s dedicated, baptized household willfully fails to attend, he is virtually disfellowshiping the congregation from himself. Disfellowshiping means the casting of a member out of God’s household; and if one should remain in this disfellowshiped condition till he died, it would mean his everlasting destruction as a person who is rejected by God. Staying away from meetings leads in that very direction. -- The WATCHTOWER, December 15, 1965, page 751, "“WE SHOULD NOT NEGLECT THE HOUSE OF OUR GOD”

    Thank you for the research, Nathan.

  • dinah


    Yes, they do teach that if you are df'd when armageddon comes you will be killed. I can remember a friend of mine who was df'd and then killed in a car accident about a year later. Everyone was upset because she had no hope of resurrection. Her mother was distraught.

    A baptism at the age of 9 should NOT be legally binding. Since they are so judicial, they should follow common sense.

    As had been suggested already, your brother needs a doctor who understands recovering from cults. In his mind he is condemned by God. It is a shame how many lives they ruin.

  • Honesty

    The Watchtower Society uses the fear of destruction on its victims and then they have the nerve to say hell is evil.

  • sosad

    yes - and Catholic Confession to a Man is also "so stupid" but a jc committee is totally different!

  • Fisherman

    Policy towards df ones are not written in stone. Only one rule, and that is, not discuss spiritual things except if the df is a minor at home. AS far as the wts official position NOW on what will happen to a df one at Armageddon, the wts litterature says that, that is for God to decide.

    People get df becuase the elder's BELIEVE that the person is unrepentant. Not because of th act and not because the person is or insnt unrepentant. Thereafter, the person has the burden of showing and convincing the cong of repentance.

    Some fanatical(inn my opinion) jws will have nothing to do with a fam memebers because they are df. I think that the wts should instruct jws to love and deal with their family even if such are in a df condition. THEY CAN OF COURSE AND MANY DO! But I think that the wts should make that CLEAR>

  • dinah


    Therein lies the problem. Elders cannot read hearts. If you can't work up some snot and tears you're outta there!

    The whole process is barbaric. I've read countless accounts of people committing a sin, going to the elders and then getting booted. My God, confessing should show that a person is repentant. If they weren't they would just continue in their course. If you go to elders for help with a serious problem their first answer is to kick you out in the cold---alone and with NO support.

    I could have just lied, they had no proof--just rumors. But my conscience wouldn't let me do that because it was WRONG. But alas, no snot or tears were shed.

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