Opinion - What % of JWs are hardcore Kool Aid partakers?

by Gregor 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    I'm sure my mom will drink the Kool-Aid and then shove it down my Dad's throat.


    OMG Changeling, that is so funny, that sounds just like my parents!! Oh, sorry, not funny at all.

  • WTWizard

    From what I have heard, about 20% are in line, according to the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger class, for everlasting life. Those are the ones that are actually doing quality field circus, not just faking it and pretending to be out and about. Only them are going to make it.

    Everyone else is a wannabe. True, if the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger turns up the heat, everyone is going to want to participate. I believe most of them, perhaps 80% or higher, would also refuse a blood transfusion if their lives or that of their children was on the line. And most to all would volunteer if they believe a project is needed to get ready for the end itself.

    There are other measures. How many actually follow all the rules, no matter how picky they are, probably falls in the 60s or lower 70s per 100. How many make all or most of the boasting sessions and participate to the best of their ability is probably in the 50s, though that number is probably lower now that the pedophile issue is coming up at doors more. Those who think there are only 225 songs you can listen to and obey are probably in the 20s (however, most will refuse to listen to blatantly debasing music). Those who always forgo entertainment on Saturday to go out in field circus are probably in the teens or lower 20s per 100.

    Hopefully, more hounder-hounder-hounders will start banging on the podium like a video game player after a crappy game and telling people that too many are rebelling. And I hope they start swearing at it as well. Besides that, I hope they start having deficits that do not get closed by the time the a$$emblies are done.

  • Quandry

    Good question.

    I would have to admit that four years ago, I believed hook, line, and sinker that the WTS had everything I needed. But drink the Kool-Aid? I don't know. There were a few nagging doubts after the generation change of 1995. This makes me think that the real percentage might be about 20 to 25% that are that "hardcore."

    This is unbelievable:

    The Governing Body said to Go home and kill your wife and kids the final test of loyalty would they do it? I have had a few that refused to answer but I have also had a few say without hesitation YES!

    Who would look his children in the eyes and kill them? Even to say that........

  • RisingEagle

    I'm not sure the overall percentage that would drink, but I know this for a fact: My mom would donate the punchbowls in which to mix the koolaid and then call me to load the 8-foot tables and the punchbowls into her car so she could take them to the hall.

  • Gregor

    Once the concept of resurrection is instilled the natural fear of death is nuetralized. What's the difference if you are told to kill your family or you prevent a life saving treatment? Same motivation for a suicide bomber thinking of the 6 dozen virgins waiting for him.

  • journey-on

    Exactly, Gregor. Also, I'm sure The Society could find a scripture or two to twist like a pretzel in support

    of any insane idea they came up with. They are masters at doing the twist.

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    I think this question is ignorant of a number of imporant factors.

    The People Temple was a geographically isolated cult. Many people who drank the posioned Kool-Aid did so because they had guns pointing at their heads. The situation was one of total chaos.

    Such things are a result of a group being confronted with disconformation. The Peoples Temple was about to be exposed to the US government. The "writing was on the wall" so to speak. While some groups simply dissolve, regroup, or rethink out their ideas some groups go over the edge. There is no definate way to predict when a group will go harmlessly into the night, or when one will go down in violence.

    The Jehovah's Witnesses are not geographically isolated. They do not have their members contained in a compound where the leaders have large stockpiles of weapons. While they do put thier members in harms way through some of their policies (blood, neutrality, ect), it is a very differant situation.

    There are some similarities between these two groups, but most are on the way people are psychologocially manipulated into believing the cause.

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