I went to the doctor today and was told I'm going to hell!!!!!!!!!!

by changeling 75 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    CHANGELING - That is a hell of a time to tell you that you are going to hell, while sticking a needle in your arm ! LOL! I felt like telling my doctor to go to hell - when he stuck a needle in my scrotum during my vascectomy 8 years ago ! He puntured a blood vein and for that sin, any GOD would have sent him straight to hell ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Hi, changeling!

    Similarly, a friend's gram was in a rest home and feeling very guilty about missing church services. Somehow or other, the nonstop witnessing of a JW orderly only made Grandma feel worse [imagine that!]. My friend told me that Mouth was taken to task for it.

    Doesn't JW witnessing - an obvious display of interest in one's fellowman - make EVERYONE feel good? LOL!


  • Quandry

    She meant well, I'm sure.

    If you are in the South, people do that all the time.

    That is so true. Especially about forty years ago and more,when I was growing up in Mississippi. Fear of hell was hot wired into everyone. This poor woman was so scared after reading this book, she just wanted to make sure no one ended up there.

    I wonder how the author of the book could write about a place he'd never been to...........

  • hmike

    This lady's problem was that she was insensitive to your situation. "Fundies"—as you call them—sometimes make the same mistake as anyone else: they give out advice or opinions to someone without really listening and reading between the lines to discern what a person really needs. You are in recovery/healing mode, and how she acted didn't contribute to that. The result was counterproductive to what should have been her intent. Sometimes, simply a kind or encouraging word is what's most appropriate. Sometimes, just being there to listen is enough.

    I think that's what bothered you—that she ignored what was really going on with you and made a "scripted, standard" comment.

  • El Kabong
    El Kabong

    23 min in Hell!!! Bah!! Try 2-3 Days at an Assembly. Same thing.

  • changeling

    Flipper: TMI!!! LOL

    hmike: Yes, I agree she and I were coming from two differnt "places" and that I, as a recovering JW, am vulnerable at the moment. However, being that I was basically her patient at the time she crossed a professional and ethical line in a BIG way.

    Also, I think her openly condeming people to hell for not attending a christian church is a behavior that is harmful to the growth and progress of our area. She is in the same boat as my yoga instructor who was putting down a fellow instructor because he was "flaming".

    I live in a small city who's growth is rather stunted as compared to three other cities in our vecinity. I can't help but wonder if these close minded attitudes are part of the reason why we are lagging behind.


  • wednesday
    live in a small city who's growth is rather stunted as compared to three other cities in our vecinity. I can't help but wonder if these close minded attitudes are part of the reason why we are lagging behind.


    yes they are. The city council is what moves a city forward or keeps it looking backward. I live in a community that is swarming with religious hypocrisy and small minds. We don't even have a movie theater b/c of them. it was recently a vicious fight to go "wet" . Most of the good places to eat have moved out or been run out of town. Jws are not the only religion that seeks to control every aspect of our lives.

  • hmike


    I agree that her statement was not appropriate for the job she was there to do. I wonder, though, if she had said something you felt helpful or encouraging related to God or faith, would that have been a problem?

  • changeling

    hmike: If it came unsolicited, yes, though it would not have been as offensive or distasteful.

    To prove my point, let me tell you what happend to me about a year ago: I used to go to a local gym and work out. One day I went in and they had christian music playing. I did my workout to christian music and then went up to the front desk and inquired, very nicely, why they were playing this music. I asked: "have you ever considered how a muslim or jewish person would feel having to workout to christian music?" Shortly after that I switched gyms to the one I go to now with the yoga instructor who doesn't like gay people. It seems I can't go anywhere in this town w/o running into judmental, "in your face" christians and I'm sick of it.

    There's a time and a place for everything, let's keep our religious preferences out of the workplace and out of places where the genaral public has the right to go and enjoy.


  • changeling

    On the subject of christian music playing in a public place: It bugs me as much as pulling up to a red light and being next to a car that is vibrating to the sound of rap music (or any music) that is playing so loudly it drowns out whatever I have chosen to listen to in my own vehicle.

    We all have the right to listen to the music of our choice, but I don't think we have the right to impose our choices on everyone else.


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