Were You Ever Into Bible Prophecy?

by minimus 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • kwr

    When I was a teenager I attended a pentecostal type church and I thought I knew the mysteries of Revelation. They turned out to be all wrong, so I don't think I know what Revelation and Daniel mean any more. ;-)

  • Abandoned

    I was BIG TIME. For about two years, I brought the Daniel bok every where I went. Everywhere. I read it about one hundred times. I was attending a Spanish congregation in Mexico when it came out in 1999 but I went out of my way to attend the convention in San Diego so I could get the book in English. I knew we were getting it from some friends I had with bethel contacts and Mexico doesn't have their convention until september or october. So, I knew I wouldn't be able to get a copy and especially an English copy for a long time.

    The funny thing is that every time I'd re-read that book, I as expecting that I would notice something I didn't before that would give me a clue about how close we were to the end. Think how many of the classics I could have read while I was re-reading that piece of trash.....

  • minimus

    I too thought their understandings were "far-fetched". Actually, pretty ridiculous. To really believe that EVERYTHING pointed to the JW religion in ANY prophecy was utterly mind boggling. The Isaiah books cemented the deal with me. I just couldn't take it any longer.

  • Zico

    I was fascinated by it, especially Daniel and Revelation, though the Isaiah book was dull. I still find bible prophecy fascinating, though from an exegetic perspective.

  • minimus

    We had an elder in our Hall that was always trying to glean something new out of a book or WT. He had his own little group of followers and they were always trying to read into things the Society had written.

  • jaguarbass

    It seemed like they made the prophecies say and fit what ever situation or event they wanted.

    Wait a minute. The whole bible is that way.


    One of the most distinctive characteristics of the true religion is that it deals with prophecies. Read the Bible and other sacred books and see how huge difference exists between the Bible and all other sacred books the world knows. Since the Jews gave us the Bible so you should keep in mind that the Jewish sacred writings that are also in the Bible will be the exception.

    The end times prophecies are in the Bible . So the people of Israel were taught them. If you are in a religion that does not teach about the prophecies your religion is fruitless. Jehovah's Witnesses are known to be preoccupied with the end time prophecies which is to their huge advantage over most religions of the world.

    Have you heard about Harold Camping ? He is predicting like me the end of the world in 2011 AD. His prediction alone puts him ahead of most religions of the world ! Why ? Because he has come with the prediction using the Bible. Hank Hanegraaff known on the radio as Bible-Answer-Man is far behind Harold Camping because he is against making the end time predictions !

    To cut it nicely .Avoid any religion or independent preachers who are not into the prophecies of the Bible ! Simple as that !

  • minimus

    Obves, you think it's a huge advantage to be preoccupied with endtime prophecies??

    The Witnesses do not have any advantage over anyone else in this regard. They CONSTANTLY change their prophecy understandings and the result is that they are not good Watchmen. They regularly cry wolf. They regularly proclaim one meaning to an endtime prophecy only to change it again! They are FALSE PROPHETS!...just like you.

  • snowbird

    For Obves from The Message Bible:

    Luke 21: 8 -9 He said, "Watch out for the doomsday deceivers. Many leaders are going to show up with forged identities claiming, 'I'm the One,' or, 'The end is near.' Don't fall for any of that. When you hear of wars and uprisings, keep your head and don't panic. This is routine history and no sign of the end."

    To answer the question - after reading the above and the same in Matthew, I gave it up.


  • minimus

    Actually being "preoccupied" suggests a lack of balance. Not good.

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