Can't eat goat boiled in milk

by Satanus 19 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • momzcrazy

    When my full blooded Portugese great grandpa Eufemio was dying my mom asked what she could do for him. He asked for a goat's head from the local butcher. My Grandma Josephine boiled it and he relished every little bit! I don't think it was boiled in milk though.


  • Satanus


    Yes, cut back on the cruelty. Special occasions, like temple inagurations were another story. The numbers of animals killed and burned for that were limitless.


    Sorry, i'm a carnivore.


    On curry sounds good.


  • AllTimeJeff

    Yet another example of how relevant the bible, and esp the OT is. No boiling baby animals in their mama's milk, and don't muzzle the threshing animals... Check...

  • flipper

    SATANUS- I've got a good goat story for ya ! Hope you aren't eating ! My ex-wife 10 years ago when still married set a dead goat on fire in our country rural property thinking it would be a good way to dispose of it ! I got back from the field service , saw her standing over this bloated, burning goat ! I asked, " What are you doing ?" She said, " I thought it would be the best way to get rid of it !" I said, " I think burial sounds better, and smells better ! " Then , while standing there the damned goats balls popped off from the fire rolling along the ground. Then my border collie went chasing them and ate them up ! Sick. Then green bile started exploding out of the goats stomach , and my then 12 year old son said, " Cool dad ! ". Some days, I wondered why I had ever moved my family out to the country. Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • AlmostAtheist

    My main problem with this law is it's such a pain in the ass to break! Most of the others I've been able to handle, but this one continues to elude me. Perhaps we should have an aposta-kid-boiled-in-its-mother's-milk-fest?



    Can you drink milk thats had a Goat used as a tea bag,in it?..Bad Breath..........................Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • Satanus


    Yah, hooda thought.


    Moses would not be amused. He had the burning of sacrifices down to a science.


  • grewupJWnoselfesteem78-95

    these were instructions from Yahuah for a particular reason........usually the health of the individual is the reason........i do not know the technical side of things and cannot put it fandangled smart words for you although i do know that milk and meat eaten together causes an unusal amount of bad bacteria in your stomach......something not needed particully if in wilderness........

  • hamsterbait

    There is a japanese dish called "PARENT AND CHILD BOWL".

    basically a chicken stock, stir fried noodles, egg and chicken meat.


  • dogisgod

    Yeah Satanus, A brother said one time that the blood from sacrificed was staggering...literally rivers flowing down the conduits.

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