Is There ANYTHING Good About The Jehovah's Witness Religion?

by minimus 60 Replies latest jw friends

  • Trevanian

    The public speaking training is fairly good.

    Not the Reasoning from the Scriptures rubbish about flumoxing and bamboozling people at the door, but the Theocratic Ministry Guidebook and that whole training program does actually offer a great practical course in addressing an audience that is useful in real life.

    This is all I can think of.

  • minimus

    They keep Walmart's clothing line in business.

    They keep used 4 doors cars in circulation.

    They help stores get rid of their day old holiday candy.

    They help the environment by not making unnecessary paper anymore.

    They stop their adherents from getting involved in masturbation or oral sex which "can lead to homosexuality".

    They don't use any blood supplies so others can live!

  • sooner7nc

    Shasta Lemon Lime and Cheese Danishes.

    Oh Shit, I forgot those Asses quit giving, er selling, us those dainties at the Boasting sessions.

    What a bunch of dicks.

  • Maddie



  • Robert7

    I have to admit there are many positive things. I was baptised in the late teens during early college years, coming from a Catholic upbringing. Being in the faith really kept me out of some trouble. Granted I regret not going to any major keg parties, but I know that I tend to go in excess and the college years would have been WAY different (in a bad way) if I wasn't a Witness. The religion does really promote good values, and gives you access to a network of nice (usually) genuine people whom I really like personally.

    They waste a lot of time with meeting & service requirements, but I never went out in service much anyway :)

  • brinjen

    If you're aspiring for a prosperous career as a door to door salesperson, you get world class training...

  • minimus

    I heard a funny joke: Why do Italians hate Jehovah's Witnesses??

    Answer: It's nothing personal. Italians don't like ANY witnesses.

  • flipper

    Uh, how about, no ? They are all under cult mind control and being duped. How can anything good come from that ? It can't

  • Abandoned

    The Watchtower Society has the appearance of being decent, but it doesn't go all the way down to the core. It's like a chocolate covered cow pie. Sure it tastes sweet at first, but eventually you move past the candy coating to the pungent poopie center.

    If you take a peripheral look at their literature, you'd think that they were an extremely moral and decent religion, but that's just for show as the very center, the leaders of the religion don't have to follow these same rules. They have convinced themselves that they are the closest thing to God on the planet and so they don't have to worry about responsibility, the truth, admitting faults, or any of the other values they insist from their followers.

    So, in summary, a lot of Jehovah's Witnesses, the rank and file, are sweet like chocolate. Unfortunately, they surround the cow pie center of the Governing Body.

  • minimus

    Flipper, I just wanted to say that I very much enjoy your presence on this board!

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