A Welcome For All the Newbies ! You Have Great Thoughts-Keep em' coming

by flipper 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • Robert7

    Flipper, You realize you gave a Special Needs Talk encouraging the new ones!

  • MissingLink

    Thanks guys. The welcome here has been great. I was so relieved to find this forum with like minded people. I initially found some other forums with FREAKS on them. I mean my worries that everyone who leaves the borg might go evil seemed to be confirmed by those forums. Then I found this one and http://exjw.meetup.com . So glad I kept searching. Your support is really inspiring me. I'm not totally out yet, but I'm done with the meetings. (been done with field misery for 5 years). I'll be out soon hopefully.

  • MissingLink

    I was going to say "Nubies Rule" but that last post put me into the "Junior Members" category!


    Nubies are lame. Just kiddin.

  • newbiedoobiedoo

    The first time I was on here, confused and needing help, I was attacked from all angles and accused of being someone else. Now I see 'newbies' are welcome. I hope I can get some of the assistance and understanding that was lacking before. I am a witness going thru some unusual things and thought I might get some answers here. I hope this time I am not flamed out of existence.

  • babygirl75
    I hope I can get some of the assistance and understanding that was lacking before.

    Welcome all...

    There have been some that have been judgemental and took fast to assume that some new posters on here are "trolls". It's sad, because we all have been at one time, or even some that still are, JW's that need support and help on issues. Just keep positive and keep posting. I hope you will all find the help and assistance that you need.


  • chickpea

    thanks for the encouragement!

    in the short time here i have felt an exponential increase in my confidence that my crisis of faith was more than a perceived lack of faith.... but rather an empowering realization that i have made a ghastly error in judgment and i can recover......and my kids are gonna be ok

    thank you JWD......

  • primitivegenius


  • flipper

    Thanks for all the replies, newbies, oldies, and all others ! You guys make JWD great !

    TOOK the RED PILL- Nice to have you posting ! Enjoy your posts.

    BLUEVICEROY- I have really enjoyed your posts ! You have great compassion, great thoughts, and takes onissues ! Glad your flowers are blooming in a good way and you are reaping a good harvest of freedom and are able to help others from a loving and understanding point of view . I agree with you, I am not holy either, but I feel I have a pure spirit in me . Very well put by you bro !

    BARBIE DOLL- That's a nice purple moon welcome ! Is that you sitting on the moon?

    MARJORIE- Welcome newbie ! Very well stated thoughts by you ! Cool ! I too have learned a lot and continue learning by reading everyone's experiences and how people escaped the " cult mind control ". It really is priceless as you say all the information we can take home with us on how to find happiness and proceed in life beyond the witness organization. I totally agree with you ! Peace.

    ABANDONED- Newbies do rock ! I'll buy rounds for all the newbies ! . There. That should work ! Got more if you want it ! I enjoy your posts Abandoned and your contributions to the board !

    XOCO- I'm glad you have benefitted from the board. I'm sorry if some doubted you at first . Some of these longtime members got so jaded from being lied to by the witnesses, I think it makes them a bit paranoid . Just my personal opinion. I enjoy your thoughts and posts. You are very well spoken , intelligent, and have a lot to offer this board ! I'm glad you went to college and followed your dad's advise to use your critical thinking ability. It will continue to help you in your life as time goes by . Keep it up ! A big welcome to you !

    ROBERT 7- I guess it was a special needs talk, never thought about it that way !

    MISSING LINK- I'm glad you found JWD also friend ! I have heard other forums are mean and there are freaks there too! I've always just been here, since my wife joined in March of 2007. Want you to know we care, and keep on posting bro, we enjoy your posts. If my wife and I can ever be of assistance, just let us know !

    NEWBIEDOOBIEDOO- I'm glad you got the courage to come back to the board. I'm sorry you were treated that way before. Some long time members here seem to forget how disillusioned they first felt when getting out of the witnesses. But I have always felt it is the course of wisdom to see that people may have had problems totally different from ours, and dealt with them differently. i don't paint people with the same brush . We all have our stories ! Glad you came back, hope you stay. We could use more caring people like yourself ! Peace.

    BABYGIRL 75- Right on Babygirl, I agree with you. Hope you continue to stay, we need caring people here.

    CHICKPEA- I'm glad you have realized the JW organization was wrong and created a danger for you and your children. Now you can make a better life for you and your kids.

    PRIMITIVE GENIUS- You are an asset to this board too, with your intelligent responses , words, and humor

  • sooner7nc

    Yeah newbies rock, but I'll be glad when I'm not one.

  • flipper

    SOONER 7c- I think when you get to 100 posts you'll change into somethin' else, like an owl or somethin', for being wiser I think ! Just teasin' , junior member I think. Peace out, love your posts. Mr. Flipper

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