fading away quietly

by DIM 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • obiefernandez

    Actually, I moved 900 miles and did not attend any meetings after moving. I specifically told my family not to distribute my new address or phone number and I certainly didn't tell the congregation where I was going. We simply disappeared. I wish I could do the letter from new congregation scam now, just to see what the file would contain, but my father is the secretary, so I don't think it would work.

    Somebody gave a local congregation my contact information which led to elders trying to visit my home a couple of times. Unfortunately, I didn't get to speak to them in person. Eventually a local elder called (my unlisted number) while I was home. I demanded that he tell me how he got my contact info, but he refused to give me any specifics. He said he had gotten it from another local congregation. For all I know they simply wanted to do a shepherding call. Anyway, I didn't want to bother with it so I told him very emphatically NEVER, EVER to contact me or my family again. Like really, NEVER! Hehehe. He started to protest my tone but then I think he realized it wasn't going to get him anywhere.


  • bigfloppydog

    Mum's the word if you don't tell people where you are going or what your intentions are they probably won't find you, but when it comes to still being in contact with family members, somehow I bet they will still have a way to find where you are. Hope things work out for you and your wife. The best to you.

  • plmkrzy

    It is not that difficult to fade out if thats what you want to do.
    Leave no forwarding address, get a P.O.Box. The hardest thing is doing it when you have kids in school. Kids are blabber mouths by nature.

  • closer2fine

    teeeeheeee, gives whole new meaning to the term "Witness Protection Program"


    Solid stone is just sand and water, baby
    Sand and water, and a million years gone by - beth nielsen chapman

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