JWs', lying SOBs

by LouBelle 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • LouBelle

    I was just reading Lady Libertys' post and I found myself getting angrier and angrier. The way they can blatently lie. Granted it's not all of them, but it's the ones' in ""power"" and your family (that's what happend to me)

    Do they lie because they are trying to throw you off, do they lie thinking they won't get caught out. How do they justify lying so much? Theocratic warefare my left butt cheek - their bible tells them ""GOD HATES A LIAR and HE WILL NOT INHERIT THE KINGDOM""

    If they not lying to you they avoid answering your questions - because we know they can't answer them, so they stall and stall and then lie.

    I feel like egging a KH or trashing one - I got to get some tea.

  • fokyc

    The elders in my wife's cong are just the same, they just think by lying they won't get found out.

    I even have their lies in writing, unfortunately when contacting the branch office they just can't/won't believe it.

    In 'Bethel's' eyes, it is impossible for elders etc. to lie.

    A recent disfellowshipping was conducted just by 2 elders but they have convinced the branch office it was done by 3 elders as required by 'the rules'!

    You can't win against them.


  • dinah

    I really think most elders are as duped as we were. If that makes you feel any better'

  • WTWizard

    I feel like egging a KH or trashing one - I got to get some tea.

    I have felt like decorating one for Christmas. If I had the money to waste on decorations that would be thrown out and felt certain that I would not get caught, I would make a trip to Wal-Mart. Once there, I would go out and buy about 50 garlands in the 60 foot length, as many lights and inflatables as I could get, some sleighs and reindeer, icicle lights in the length of the perimeter of the whole Kingdumb Hell, candy cane lights for the walkways, a 4 foot wreath with lights, a Christmas tree for the lobby and another one for the platform (where the podium would normally be), and as many smaller ornaments as possible to decorate the Kingdumb Hell with.

    Then I would go in and put hooks right in the wall for all the garlands. The whole perimeter of the Kingdumb Hell would be decorated with garland, as would the perimeters of all the windows. They would be lit with 5 or 6 layers of lights. I would also put candles in all the windows (the electric ones). The lobby would have its chandelier bulbs replaced with red and green ones, and every kind of Christmas decoration including mistletoe in every possible place. The Christmas trees would go up, complete with lights and as many bulbs and garlands (and religious ornaments) as I could get.

    With the inside done, I would then put the garland, wreaths, and lights outside. Every possible place for lights would be lit, including every bush. Candy canes would go up along the walkway. There would be a huge Nativity scene on the front lawn. On the roof would be a Santa sleigh with reindeer, totally lit up. Snowmen would be lit on the front lawn in a different section. I would have a smooth transition from the Nativity scene to more traditional Christmas decorations and inflatables along the whole property. Of course, I would set it up so they would have a miserable time trying to take it all down.

    I wonder how many boasting sessions would be cancelled while they are working on taking it down.

  • buffalosrfree

    Why not decorate the walkways at the local hall with pig s**t or some other high odorous feces instead, they get enough BS there so don't leave any of that. Now that would be decorative and also give them new light (smell) from the usual BS they get there.

  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    Why not decorate them for christmas! I'm in I've been wanting to do that for a while now, can't get any one else to go with me

  • worldtraveller

    I asked my JW bud why JW's shun. I told them how childish that was. He simply agreed, but said they don't. Who's giving me the bs? Him or about 2000 of you here?

  • primitivegenius
    I asked my JW bud why JW's shun. I told them how childish that was. He simply agreed, but said they don't. Who's giving me the bs? Him or about 2000 of you here?

    2million u mean

  • Emma
    they just think by lying they won't get found out

    And they likely won't because anyone who called them out would be in disfavor. Everyone "knows" the old men are irreproachable. They outright lied to my family, telling them how much help they'd tried to give, phone calls, visits, meetings, etc. Not one word was true! Sisters would stop by to chat and keep their time going because they knew I'd make tea and feed them. They were purely social visits, and NEVER an elder or someone offering help.

  • RisingEagle
    I asked my JW bud why JW's shun. I told them how childish that was. He simply agreed, but said they don't. Who's giving me the bs? Him or about 2000 of you here?

    Most of the folks on here are disfellowshipped, disassociated or faded from the witlings. The first two: df'ed and da'ed are shunned by witnesses. The last category, faders, managed to slip away quietly, many to avoid the shunning that would have been on them if they were df'ed or da'ed. You have folks from all around the world, literally, on this site saying witnoids shun, so:

    Witnesses shun.

    I don't know if your friend is full of bs. It could be he doesn't understand the religion all that well himself or he may be trying to recruit you by engaging in 'theocratic warfare' and presenting as glamorous a picture (bahahahaha) of the religion as he can. It's been done before and it will be done again.

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