I Talked To A JW Yesterday About "The Truth"

by minimus 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • changeling

    Well done minimus. Short, sweet and friendly. When he thinks back on your conversation there will be nothing negative in the way to deflect from the true issues.


  • JWdaughter

    That is the kind of elder they are getting these days? Shouldn't SOMEONE be a true believer? Is everybody in there just to keep their families happy and/or because they don't know what they would do with their time otherwise?

  • Save My Soul
    Save My Soul
    I then remarked that there are a lot of "good" people that are Witnesses and then asked him, Do you think YOU'D ever leave The Organization?" He replied that he'd be a liar if he ever said that he hadn't thought about it but since there was nothing "better" that he could find yet, he'd stay where he was.

    Many I know have issues with college and the generation teaching as well. Many have invested soooo much time in the org., they do not want to leave. My wife felt I would leave her when I left the org, she can see that that was not the case, so she supports me.

  • minimus

    If the average Witness is not a true believer and does not have faith in the FDS, the Organization better worry. They might have numbers but the Society, historically, never regarded numbers as being better than a strong core. Better to have less with 100% commitment than have an inflated impressive number that can't be counted on.

  • stillajwexelder

    It would not suprise me if there were many others like this -in otherwords he is just the tip of the iceberg

  • twistedsister

    Its been awhile since I was at a KH - what is the orgs current stand on post secondary education?


  • OnTheWayOut

    Good job, Mini Mouse.

    Had you considered saying, "How can you be an elder? You would have to
    promote the current light on college and blood." ?

  • minimus

    OTWO, I didn't want to alienate, just yet.I think he KNEW where I was going with things. I just didn't want to attack or sound like a raging "apostate".

  • OnTheWayOut

    Had you considered saying, "How can you be an elder? You would have to
    promote the current light on college and blood." ?

    I didn't suggest waving your arms and shouting at him. I think it was
    a legitimate thinking question, but I understand how you only go so far.

  • Farkel


    Be sure to count your "witnessing" time and turn it into me. If you don't meet your quota, I will relieve you from your position of "JWD Chief Executive Fluff Officer!"


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