I Talked To A JW Yesterday About "The Truth"

by minimus 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    He sat next to me while I was having lunch. He smalltalked and then asked, "Sooo doya think you'll ever come back to The Truth?"

    My response, with a laugh was "NOPE".

    I then remarked that there are a lot of "good" people that are Witnesses and then asked him, Do you think YOU'D ever leave The Organization?" He replied that he'd be a liar if he ever said that he hadn't thought about it but since there was nothing "better" that he could find yet, he'd stay where he was.

    I asked him, "Since you feel it's "The Truth", how do you feel about the Society's changes about college----one decade it's acceptable as long as you have a goal of the fulltime ministry and the next decade, it's a terrible thing to do?" He said, he didn't agree with the Society's current view. I asked him, "If the Bible says to abstain from blood, why could you take absolutely no blood at all but now you can take "parts" of it??" His response" I know.....I can't see the reasoning either"......He talked about how he knew he'd be soon appointed as an elder again and that he really didn't care but his wife did.

    I then talked about a few people we mutually knew and we were both on our way!

  • Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    Good Girl or Bad Girl?

    Wow, he sounded like he could think for himself!

  • carla

    So he doesn't agree with the fds on a few things? shame, shame. Not only does he not agree but he said it out loud to you no less! Where is all this jw unity thing then?

  • minimus

    I was thinking the same regarding the unity. If these are the leaders, the foundation is very very weak.

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan
    He replied that he'd be a liar if he ever said that he hadn't thought about it but since there was nothing "better" that he could find yet, he'd stay where he was.

    This argument has been told to them through the mags so many times they actually think it is good. All it is is a burning house argument. A person doesn't have to have a new house ready for him to move into if he sees that his is on fire. Groups like the JWs love this sort of reasoning because it is an excellent way to trap people into a narrow frame of mind.

  • minimus

    He told me that he went on all these vacations and was having a wonderful life "in the Truth". I said in response, "you don't have to be a Witness to say that you had a lot of vacations"....What he was trying to convey was that his life was full and rich and that being a JW did not inhibit him.

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan
    What he was trying to convey was that his life was full and rich and that being a JW did not inhibit him.

    With the adverage JW spending 500+ hours per year on Watchtower sponsored activites I would beg to differ.

  • JH
    but since there was nothing "better" that he could find yet, he'd stay where he was.

    That sounds like a person gambling with the same numbers all the time, hoping his combination will one day be the lucky one.

  • Serg

    Sounds like faker in the making. Good of you to further highlight the obvious to him. This seed will more than likely sprout in no time.

  • steve2

    Way to go minimus.

    I like the way you appear to have discussed these 2 points with him in a low-key way and you didn't bombard him with information but asked him some key questions. I must say, too, that I admire his honesty. There must be plenty of JWs who are bothered by the Society's explanations but who would never acknowledge that to anyone else.

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