Writer's Block or Writer's Cramp?

by compound complex 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Is it possible to have both at the same time?


  • drew sagan
  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Little did I know, Drew!



  • Abandoned

    Definitely. I've found that for me, writer's block is a sign that something is bothering me that I haven't dealt with yet. When something is bothering me, I write about what I'm thinking and feeling until I get to the bottom of it.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Oooh they're a good group Drew! Just been listening on YouTube

    Back to CoCo's question, now that is a conundrum.

    One would think that it isn't possible since writer's cramp is caused by copious amounts of scribbling - which you don't tend to do if you have writer's block.

    However, I find it possible to 'store' everything I plan to write in my mind and hit a 'maximum capacity' when I can think of no more to write - so I have writer's block. But at the same time I may transfer my 'stored' thoughts to paper (or more likely my computer!), causing writer's cramp (or more likely RSI!!). So from that aspect, in a funny way, I can have both at the same time.

  • RisingEagle
    Is it possible to have both at the same time?


    I think that, uh...Sometimes it helps when I, er...My point is, um...nope, never used a blighter's clamp, what's it for?

  • Bryan

    B comes before C.

    Not one without two.


  • millymollymandy

    Peter Bjorn and John are ace! And I think it is possible to suffer from both at the same time.

    Incidentally, I have been suffering from writer's block for years. I think it was cramp at first but then it slowly turned into mental blackout, sadly. It's a shame, because I'm quite proud of the things I wrote up until then.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Are you writing more and enjoying it less?

    Are you writing less and enjoying it more?


  • Hope4Others

    Why not have a digital recorder in your pocket they are pretty tiny now, and when you get thoughts hit the button.

    It's hard to try to remember great ideas in the detail they came and then find some paper....



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