The Silver Lining ?

by Junction-Guy 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • Junction-Guy

    So what was your silver lining in all your experience as a JW?

    My first response is to say none for me.

    I guess there is a silver lining after all. Had it not been for the JW experience and the Christian love shown to me in contrast by my 'worldly" family I could have ended up a secular humanist, or maybe an Atheist.

    Being a JW helped me to realize that not all religions out there are genuine, some are completely frauds.

    So see there is a silver lining after all.

    Plus in a roundabout way I did meet Amanda as a result of the JW experience.

    So what are your Silver Linings?

  • changeling

    Actually, there is none for me. My childhood was stolen and I will never get that back.

    So what should I do? Make every day count. Learn something everyday. Smile more. Give someone a hug. Enjoy my kids. Read. Grow.

    I'm determined to spend the rest of my life piecing together my very own silver lining. I'll wear it proudly with a big smile smile on my face that says: "you will not take another minute of my life".


  • llbh

    bieng me again and i feel comfortable and happy

  • nvrgnbk
    secular humanist

    You can thank JWD that you even know what that is.


    For a guy "basking in the glory of the Christ' you sure are miserable, Junction.

    I hope you get some happiness, sooner rather than later.

    We only go around once, cowboy.

  • Junction-Guy

    Yeah I have had alot of trials and tribulations in my life, but I choose not to blame them on Christ, I lay that blame at the foot of the Watchtower. I give Jesus lots of credit, for saving my soul, keeping me from falling off the deep end into drugs and suicidal. I praise Jesus for every good thing he has done for me.

  • Abandoned

    Hey JG, no offense, but I think you have a little bit of Jesus's poop in your mustache....

  • nvrgnbk
    keeping me from falling off the deep end into drugs and suicidal.

    As a human brother of yours, I'm very glad that you are still here and not addicted to harmful substances.

    If Jesus helps you to accomplish that, then that's ok.

  • Junction-Guy

    Well at least it isn't Watchtower poop.

  • Abandoned

    Well at least it isn't Watchtower poop.

    Very true...

  • changeling

    JG: Have I ever told you about my mom? She's 84 and in good health. She is an active witness and lives with me.

    Every morning I say: "Good morning Mom, how are you feeling today?" Every day she answers in a whistful voice: "Good enough, I guess, how are you?. "Fine", I respond.

    Then she says: "If I said 'fine', I'd be lying". I say, no you wouldn't Mom, you are fine. You're healthy, all your needs are met, you're beautiful..." (I change things up every day, you get the point). And she goes on to tell me of all the things she used to be able to do that now she can't (like jumping rope, I kid you not). I then tell her that she no longer needs nor is expected to do these things and that she is "fine" for an 84 year old...

    I don't know why I engage her in this silly, pointless conversation day in and day out. Maybe I secretly hope that one day I'll ask: "How are you feeling Mom?" and she will answer: "Just fine, honey!", with a big smile on her face.

    Maybe I secretly have the same hope for you.



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