I also have a confession about my life.

by ColdRedRain 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • ColdRedRain

    Everything about my life that I post on this board, is, I am ashamed to say, true. Bringing a lesbian punk rocker to the meeting, getting high at the convention and posting pictures of two men kissing, making out with a chick in the KH parking lot with the security cameras rolling.... All true.

    With the rash of frauds on this board, I just had to chime in to tell people that my volatile, drama filled life is true, because not a lot seems like it's true on this board anymore.

    Toodles. I'm going to see a therapist to try to make sure I don't get bored and do strange things anymore.

  • avishai


    Missed ya, ya crazy bastard!!

  • Gopher

    Good post CRR. You really laid things out plainly here, and I know you're speaking truth.

    I've seen the deeper and more contemplative side of you when we talk at the meetups. I am glad you're taking action to get through the post-JW transition you've been in (and some of the things you'd rather forget) and move on to a better future for yourself.

  • shell69

    Therapy rocks!!

    You'll be fine. Shell69

  • Junction-Guy

    Same here ColdRedRain, everything about my life is true too.

  • Abandoned

    Hey ColdRedRain, how's it going in the cities?

  • Octarine Prince
    Octarine Prince

    My true stuff is just interesting enough that haters try to call fraud on it (and always fail. Everything can be verified)


    Recruited by CIA out of college - I declined
    Currently on Canada "No Entry or Watch" list (I did NOTHING, I swear)

    No Walter Mitty here baby. I wish some of my situations were fabrications.

  • Priest73

    two posts, we don't know enough about you to care yet. But welcome to the board!!!

  • dogisgod

    I like the "getting high at the convention" part. You must have rocked their reality. Welcome.

  • Sunspot

    What a sad commentary that JWD posters feel they have to validate their experiences because of recent developments. Going along with Octarine Prince's post---I also wish that many of MY accounts were fictional.



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