Small dog owners...please take note

by restrangled 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • Vinny

    I have a four year old Dobie female. Probably 85 lbs. My wife was walking her about two months ago with our Border Collie (about 55 lbs). The neighbor has a full blooded pit bull, that is half the height of our Doberman, but literally weighs perhaps 20 pounds more. Looks like a mini-tank. Seriously.

    Anyway, the Pit got out of her cage (their kid forgot to latch it), jumped the short fence and mowed down our big Doberman. Was on top of her in a matter of seconds.

    Sounds like you have some good dogs.

  • shell69


    I got chased by two dobermans when I was a small girl, I've never forgottne the fear I felt when that happended, and have never/ will never won a large dog because of it.

    In August I bought an English Springer Spaniel pup. He's now 7 months old, and the largest dog I've ever owned. On one of his early walks, just after he'd had his vaccinations, a boxer dog came chasing up behind us. In retrospect, I know this dog just wanted to have a sniff and play, but my pup lay on his back and screamed, and my first reaction was to protect him from the big dog! The owner was really considerate and came running to pull his larger dog away, but I promise you my heart was pounding, my hands shaking at the experience.

    I think as dog owners, we must keep out dogs on a leash AT ALL TIMES. It provides peace of mind to all other dog owners, it protects our own animals (if theyre a bit tempremential).

    Just my two penneth


  • *summer*
    I know its horrible but these boys are princes in my eyes.

    Not at all!!!

    Most pet owners consider their pets almost like their children. And losing a pet is almost like losing a family member and usually brings much pain.

    I had a cat for some 15 years, and she sure was a "princess" in my eyes:-)


  • journey-on
    the Pit got out of her cage (their kid forgot to latch it), jumped the short fence and mowed down our big Doberman. Was on top of her in a matter of seconds.

    I think pit bulls should be outlawed. I think it should be against the law to breed and sell them. I hear too many stories about how "sweet and wonderful my pit bull is...I have no idea why he attacked the child...or dog..or whatever." I've had personal experience with this issue, and pit bulls are too unpredictable, imo.

  • dinah

    Shell, were you in field service?

  • shell69


    No I was'nt. I was actually visiting witless friends. However I had a massive effect on field service, because I was so obsessed, I could tell by looking at a front garden whther they had a big dog and I wouldnt go to that door! LOL!


  • noni1974

    I feel bad for the little dog.I hope he's ok now and his or her owner took it to the vet.

    It should not have come on your property.I know your dogs were protecting there cat friend and that makes me smile.I still feel bad for the little dog who got hurt.

  • dinah

    I petted every dog I ran across in field service, even the ones most folks were scared of. Yeah, the Lord watches after fools and little children alright!

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis


    we have a shih tzu and I know from past experience that they will dig and get out. So, it's very likely the owner doesn't know the pooch was out.

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  • sacrebleu


    If I may be so stupid, what is a Warlock Dobie? Is it a certain bloodline or what?

    I kept my friend's dobie when she was widowed and moved to an apartment before she bought her house. It was great. I loved her, but she never bothered any of our cats.

    We went out of town shopping one day and when I got back 18 hours later she had one of my collectible dolls on her blanket. At first I thought she might have ruined it, but there was not a hair out of place on the doll, clothes clean and everything. I guess she just wanted something near her with my scent on it. She was so sweet.

    Only trouble I had out of her was that her nickname sounded like the nickname of one of my own dogs (a big collie sized sheltie) and they would both come when I called either of them and then growl a little at each other. But no fighting.


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