When's WT shutting down that video page (you know the one) ? You predict.

by Fatfreek 42 Replies latest members private

  • Elsewhere

    I have downloaded a copy of the video for posterity.

  • Fatfreek

    I'm consistently getting page and video views using both Firefox and Internet Explorer.

    I'm guessing here but perhaps it's receiving a bunch of hits since this thread opened up and simply can't handle the traffic. Again, that's a big guess. If we only had some web guru here.

    Wait, wait ... Elsewhere, where are you? Aha, I thought I spotted you a few posts up. Tell us what's happening?


  • Poztate
    I'm guessing here but perhaps it's receiving a bunch of hits since this thread opened up and simply can't handle the traffic. Again, that's a big guess.

    That could be it. They are probably not used to getting more than ONE hit at a time. Their bandwidth couldn't handle the POZTATEā„¢ on slot...

  • Fatfreek

    Okay, the game's still on and we have only one prediction, that from Chickpea. He (or she) will finally (whenever that is) be determined the winner if we have no further predictions.


  • horrible life
    horrible life

    Dec. 17, 2007 at 3:25 pm CST And that's all I have to say about that.

  • DT

    My guess is Dec. 25 at 3:00 A.M.

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    You silly apostates! Its already been removed, invisibly. W.Once

  • Bryan

    They will not shut the page down until forced by legal action.

    By taking it down they would be showing that they feel they have done something wrong.


  • Fatfreek

    Ah, Bryan. That's a different wrinkle. And I concede you may be right, of course. But, I don't think so.

    Only they know but don't have the guts to give the order quite yet.

    I think they're in a Catch-22 and they know they can't win. That's their quandary.

    I think they want to shut it down knowing it's drawing so much flak due to it's ludicrous logic, words from a well-meaning external spokesperson whom they presently subscribe to but with lesser credentials that the masses now know. What she says is their current light on the topic. They know their enemies are cheering for every minute it remains up since it shows how foolish they truly are.

    They don't want to shut it down because it's like surrendering to their enemies. Many of their opponents are predicting it will come down.

    Oh, WasOnce -- that's thinking out of the box and using their own illogical logic. Their invention, perhaps. Invisible, eh? Clever.


  • tula

    This is all that remains. The video doesn't play anymore. So, is the bet for when the page is removed or for when the video no longer plays?

    If prediction is for no more video....I bet just now. If the wager is for page removal, I bet Dec. 13 by 12 noon.

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