Mr. Flippers Son Gets Latest Letter from Witness Mother- He Does Not Reply

by flipper 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    Hello my friends. Well , my son got the latest, I think last letter for awhile, hopefully from his witness mother . of course she put lots of guilt on him again about not being a witness ! He handled it fine, and he and I talked , and he felt it would be better not to reply to his mothers disrespectful letter , as he feels it's just a waste of his time, as she really is not listening to what he is saying . Of course he was hurt by her words, naturally , but my son is mature enough to understand that his mom is under, " cult mind control", and unable to really be herself , not a Watchtower robot . So, here is her letter and thank you for caring enough to take the time to read it ! I really appreciate your insights !

    December 7th, Good morning son , I have been thinking deeply about our conversations . And I have been so saddened, to the point, I have felt so sick , way down deep inside myself. You might wonder why I took awhile to respond. Well, I thought you wanted to venture out, and I hoped you would long for Jehovah's way of life .

    I appreciate God's word, His sacrifice of giving His only dear son for our imperfect bodies. By examining the scriptures in my reading it was foretold that Satan would use many devices to take us away from Jehovah . ( 2 Tim. 4:5 ) " there will be a period of time when they will not put up with the healthful teaching, but in accord with their own desires, they will accumulate yeachers for themselves to have their ears tickled. . " There are teachings and philosophies that could take us away too ! That could take us away Jehovah's word said . Make no mistake , Satan is oh so crafty at what he does, and if we laugh at that, then he has managed to decieve us.

    I went on a Bible study with your sister ( a regular pioneer ) conducts with an elderly woman. She enjoyed learning Jehovah's name and His promises ! So are we such selfish uncaring people ? Where are God's people supposed to spend their time in these frightening times ? It frightens me to wonder , with your hatred for God's people , if you had the chance, would you have interrupted our study of God's word with this woman ? Even stopping your sister and your mother from sharing His wonderful truths from the Bible , that you so seem to hate . I am sorry son, I do love you, but hate the way you feel about our heavenly father. I have to talk to Jehovah and continue to tell Him I am so sorry for the way my son feels about Him. And I hope you will remember the One that gave you life, not me, but Jehovah who is the source of all life.

    Always remember those fibers that are still in you, to love, can be rekindled . You can always visit the Kingdom Hall nearby you. It doesn't cost a thing. We can always make changes with the help of Jehovah . I will contact you if there is an important issue to discuss, but I will not bother you for now. I hope that very soon I do hear from you that you have thought deeply about these things and want to return to Jehovah . I will be there for you in a time of crisis. I'm not far away.

    For now I have a job to do, go tell all about God's coming kingdom. Very soon the world governments will turn on God's people, and Jehovah shall save them like He did in Bible times. So when you think of me, that's where I will be, at someone's door enjoying talking about a better government to come. Love you so much, Mom

    So thanks for reading this ( hopefully ) final letter from his mom. Even though I know she is cult controlled , I really felt anger in a protective way for my son when she imputes wrong motives to him saying ," your hatred for God's people ' ! My son does not hate anybody and all these letters he sent to her were loving, caring letters. The hate is in her, it's sick. But my son realizes it is the sick twisted cult that controls her so I feel he was smart to not respond. My wife and I both love him and give him lots of emotional support , so I think he'll do fine ! So what do you think of this last letter ? Pretty weird, eh? Look forward to your insightful , wise comments as always , and thanks again for chiming in with a thought. I respect you folks greatly, may you have peace, Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • journey-on

    Even though your son sounds intelligent and strong, his psychic vampire of a mother is bound to inflict psychological and/or emotional pain on him on some level. It's just a shame a JW mother's love is so conditional.

    For now I have a job to do, go tell all about God's coming kingdom. Very soon the world governments will turn on God's people, and Jehovah shall save them like He did in Bible times.

    When I read the above statement, I envisioned huge vats of grape Kool-Aid being rolled into the auditorium.

    Maybe I'm becoming too cynical, but I'm beginning to think there's really not a whole lot you can do for brainwashed soldiers of the WTBTS! They will go down fighting and warring against their own flesh and blood children thinking they're doing it for God...never realizing the sacrifice is to a corporation/publishing company/real estate investor faking it as a religion. They are deaf and blind to real Truth and do not have eyes to see nor ears to hear when it comes to the Real Truth.

  • momzcrazy

    Please give your son my love. I know how deeply those little jabs go, no matter if you know better or not.


  • Gretchen956

    You know I think it's how she can rationalize cutting him off. If he just lovingly disagreed with her that would be a stupid thing, a trivial thing. But she looks for ways to pick out that he hates god and now she has the ammunition to follow the direction of the WTS.

    If he believes this then that. You know, WTS are famous for that type of reasoning and she has adopted it to make herself feel righteous.

    I'm sorry for the hurt your son is experiencing. And as a parent it just makes you want to reach out and shake the shit out of the one hurting your kid, even though in this case it's his own mother.

    ((((Mr. Flipper)))


  • moshe

    Mr Flipper, I hope your son's mom runs into a householder who can break the glass house she is in. It only takes the right comment to crack the WT imaginary facade , called the spiritual paradise.

  • sspo

    Continue to support your son, remind him that his mother cannot help it because of the brainwashing from the watchtower.

    My ex also has rejected my daughter and is constantly putting her on a guilt trip for leaving "Jehovah ".

    How brainwashed are they?

    Well, she told me that if the GB tells her to jump off a cliff..... she will be happy to do so for them because they are being guided by holy spirit.

    How in the world can you reach them if they are being controlled to that extent ?

    Many of us that truly beleived at one time, felt the same way as they did.

  • worldtraveller

    It was composed without hate. But as we spoke recently, I see a deathly fear of someone who supposedly loves us. In His own image as well.

    A deathly fear of death itself. That's how you control people.

    Unfortunately the only way to gain control here is to do what I have done with my JW bud. I put an end to it. Maybe some day he might call me, but for now-his hateful rhetoric is in the past. Everyone said he was only a friend as long as the discussion continued. You all here, sadly, were proven true.

  • Faithful-n-Discreet Wife
    Faithful-n-Discreet Wife

    My husband gives me that same guilt trip....the response seems so heartless and robotic...cult mind control is exactly what comes to mind. she's instilling in your son the fear she receives from the organization....God's love is not of that kind of fear....God gave us the ability to feel hatred towards what is bad....his refusal to participate in false religion is not bad....we are to feel love....that love should move her to love her son no matter what. Its sad your son has more sense than his mother. Hugs for him for being so strong and mature...hugs to you Mr. Flipper...I know its not easy for you either.


  • bennyk
    You can always visit the Kingdom Hall nearby you. It doesn't cost a thing.

    It may cost you a great deal: Your family, your friends, your sanity, your future, -- maybe even your life.

  • memario
    My wife and I both love him and give him lots of emotional support

    good on you Mr. and Mrs. Flipper


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