Showdown with the CO!

by erynw 41 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • erynw

    OK, I'll leave her alone.


    She is opening her eyes and thinking for herself. She knows what the consequences of disfellowshipping are. If I help her to see the "truth" about the truth, I will be there when she is shunned, not as a replacement for her family, but as a true and honest friend. Something she doesn't have in the troof. She is an adult who is starting to wake up and I will walk this future path with her.

  • bluesapphire

    Glad she's opening her eyes. Just advising caution becaus she sounds like a sweet lady but very naive to think she can just go up to the CO and ask all these questions. Most JWs would know they couldn't just do that. I mean, deep down, even I knew I couldn't just walk up to the CO with my doubts and start asking questions about the blood issue, ya know what I mean? And I was only a JW for little over 4 years.

    This woman seems a little too *pure* for lack of a better word. It's almost as if she's been sheltered. Of course, you're the one who knows her. This is just an impression I'm getting from what you're describing.

    In the end, of course it's much better if she opens her eyes and the way you are doing it -- the process -- is ingenious and articulate. I wish I thought so quickly on my feet.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Eryn - I came in on the middle of this story. Do I assume that you are posing as an 'interested person', never affiliated with Jw's, as a Bible 'study' for this person?

    I guess, thinking back, I don't recall clear affirmation that you ever were a Jw, but I thought you had been. Just trying to clear up my visual of what you are doing here. Thanx

    BTW - Your reasoning and tight debate with this Jw is impeccable. Good work.


  • erynw

    Hey Jeff. I am disfellowshipped. It's been 24 years. I used to be a full-time pioneer. This JW person I am talking to does not know this. This is why she is listening to me, and I am very careful not to set off her apostate radar.

  • Barbie Doll
    Barbie Doll

    way to go,

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    wow. You handled that brilliantly Eryn. Keep us posted please...

    Just advising caution becaus she sounds like a sweet lady but very naive to think she can just go up to the CO and ask all these questions. Most JWs would know they couldn't just do that.

    I agree...most of them will rip you to shreds!!! Which may not be a bad thing! A CO was so rude to me once that I almost left over it...wish I would have, in hindsight!!!

    Great job in the way you presented the information!


  • oldflame

    Great Work ! Fantastic Work ! I have high hopes for your friend.

  • flipper

    ERYN- I like your attitude ! You will be there for your friend, no matter what the alleged , " nuclear fallout " is from the C.O.'s reaction. That is the kind of friend any witness needs to get out from under mind control ! Great job in helping her, keep us informed and updated on what happens sis ! Sending you our love, Mr. & Mrs. Flipper Peace out.

  • mind my own
    mind my own

    GREAT job!! I wish you the best of luck!


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