2008 study WT will be confiscated from non-publishers

by mac n cheese 59 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • logic

    One reason they may be picking them back up may be because all the study articles for the month are in one issue. If they only got a few extras then it would be difficult to have enough every week. There are some jws that lose or forget theirs every meeting. My wife has brought the wrong magazines a few times, I just get any magazine and look like l am a zealous jw. I discovered that it doesn't make much difference If you have the right magazine anyway, it all sounds the same.

    Some of jws make a big deal out of everything, and others could care less, just depends on which congregation you are in.

  • RubaDub

    PLEASE !!!!!!!!!!!!!

    This continued "fear" over the "secret" Watchtower is WAY OVERBLOWN.

    It is no more than the Kingdom Ministry which is also only for publishers.

    Yes, it is likely that if there are new ones at the meetings, they may ask for the study copy back and give them the "public" version since the the study copy is used for multiple weeks. In our congregation, they simply copy the study articles for new ones but maybe that will change.

    I can see no difference in what I have seen in the new "members only" issue with what was in the older issues .... nor do I expect to see anything change since the new Watchtower will still get into the hands of millions in households that have "unbelievers".

    The Flock book and other elders-only material are the real "secret" items. And even then, it leaks out and gets sent over the internet.

    Everyone ..... relax.

    Rub a Dub

  • grassyknoll07

    The "flock" book is not "secret"... *** w94 1/15 p. 17 Shepherds and Sheep in a Theocracy *** Among such publications is the book “Pay Attention to Yourselves and to All the Flock,” which contains Scriptural guidelines and is provided for appointed congregation overseers, or elders

  • grassyknoll07

    ***** If you wish to obtain a copy of the WT Study edition, ask one of the elders to assign you to a personal magazine route and to please include the Study Edition. They will assign a publisher to deliver the magazines to your home. If you are disfellowshipped, go to the magazine counter. As long as you are not an outspoken apostate you will receive your copy. If the elders refuse, write to the branch. They will clarify the procedure with the local body of elders. There is no secrecy with the WT Study edition.***** *** km 7/04 p. 3 Question Box *** How should personal copies of The Watchtower and Awake! be obtained? If someone in your territory requests regular magazine delivery, please be sure to follow through promptly so that not even one issue is missed. Disfellowshipped persons may obtain the magazines or other literature for their personal use at the magazine and literature counter at the Kingdom Hall. Disfellowshipped persons should not be included on a personal magazine route.

  • belbab

    Let’s take an overview of this topic. Look at it from the point of view of the “Supreme SupremeHounders”. They realize that millions and millions of their magazines are going to the land fill every year. They are not recovering the cost for these rags because of the contribution requirement thingy. How do they get a greater return for their enterprise? Not just bigger bang for the buck, but a greater return in new recruits?

    So, cut down the production of the suck-up bait magazine, the Awake, to one edition per month. Cut down on the spiced- up edition of the public Watchtower to one edition per month. Limit the production of the “Kool-Aid” one-to-customer-kool-aid package to six million per month. The December circulation for the WT is 29 million. For the Awake it is 34 million. It will be interesting to compare these figures for the coming year. Just for the Kool-aid mag alone they are economizing by approximately 15 million minus 6 million (one for each publisher) that is 9 million less copies to print each month.

    The “Top Hounders” cannot reveal to the sloggers at the bottom the real reason for the changes. They can only give unquestionable orders to lesser hounders , down to the twelve year old boy behind the literature counter. The orders are: one copy per publisher, you lose your copy, tough titty, be more careful next time. Interested persons may receive a copy at the meeting if they request it.

    Now, at the end of the meeting, the person that gave them the copy, must go back and not confiscatethe copy but request it back and endeavour to hog tie him or her into deeper quagmire such as a home bible study etc. We can’t let him get away now, can we?

    They are trying to make the Watchtower magazine into a holy artifact, like manna from heaven with no left-overs. They are not to be left on the seat, or on the floor or in the garbage or at laundro-mats.

    If they have not used this scripture yet, they will in the future. When the Heavenly Hounder , Jesus, himself, fed the multitudes, at the end, twelve baskets of leftovers were collected and not wasted.

    Get the picture? First it is all about money. Second, new recruits. Let the JWD self-navel inspectors be damned.


  • RubaDub

    The "flock" book is not "secret"... *** w94 1/15 p. 17 Shepherds and Sheep in a Theocracy *** Among such publications is the book “Pay Attention to Yourselves and to All the Flock,” which contains Scriptural guidelines and is provided for appointed congregation overseers, or elders Grassy ... The term "secret" may not be correct in this context ... perhaps the term "privledged" or "limited to the elders" would have been better. Rub a Dub

  • JWdaughter

    I get all my best WT reading done in my mom's bathroom. Which is where she must be doing her reading too! :) Its not the guests walking away with the new WT that they have to worry about, it is the regular publisher walking away with them-half know its bullship and the other half have relatives who are on to the scam.

  • Truth and Life
    Truth and Life

    That is truly amazing! Yesterday I went to Kingdom Hall and the sign said "This building is not open to the public.You must have permission to enter." But I heard that the watchtower is going online soon. How will they distribute the watchtower then anyway???

  • grassyknoll07

    If you don't want a visit from a publisher, in January you will all be able to download The Watchtower from jw.org. This will replace the CDs distributed to the members in the hall. You will be able to set up an online subscription service to download in MP3 or ACC format. Folks, there is no "members-only" or "secret Watchtower".

  • sir82
    "This building is not open to the public.You must have permission to enter."

    Wow - that's a new one! Which country is this (if you don't mind answering)?

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