by a Christian 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • hillary_step

    A Christian,

    I guess that "Mormon speech" backfired on Romney. The Iowa poll was taken on Dec. 6th, the day and evening after he gave his speech. Seems a lot of people didn't even know he was a Mormon until he made such a big deal of it. His numbers dropped like a rock after the speech. You just gotta love it.

    The only thing more fearful than the prospect of a person gaining political power whose religious beliefs are more suited to a schizophrenic shying from their medicine, is a person whose religious beliefs are more suited to a schizophrenic shying from their medicine already in power.


  • a Christian
    a Christian

    Response to Club for Growth

    Since January the Club for Growth has attacked Gov. Huckabee...
    November 28, 2007

    Response to the Club for Growth (Part I)

    Since January, the Club for Growth has attacked the Governor Huckabee's credentials as a fiscal conservative. The first salvo came with the release of their white paper, ""Is Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee a Pro-Growth, Economic Conservative?" An honest examination of Huckabee's tenure as governor would have to conclude that he is the most pro-growth, economic conservative with executive experience in the race. Instead, CFG used the paper to slander the Governor's record and deceive numerous trusting conservatives. Even more surprisingly, journalists have accepted the CFG's claims without question, even though more than 80% of the "analysis" consisted of out-of-context news clippings.

    Troubled by this unwarranted attack, the Huckabee campaign recently sent Andy Roth, the author of the white paper, a series of clarifying questions:

    " Does the CFG believe that state tax monies should be used for infrastructure, such as roads, bridges, and highways?

    " Does the CFG believe that state tax monies should be used for education?

    " Does the CFG believe that state tax monies should be used for Medicaid?

    " When, if ever, does the CFG consider a tax hike to be legitimate?

    " Does the CFG believe in balanced budgets?

    " If yes to #6, should taxes be raised when cuts in non-discretionary spending are not enough to cover the budget shortfall?

    Unless the answer to each of these questions is an emphatic "no" the analysis by the CFG does not make sense.

    The Arkansas constitution, in a measure that should be lauded by all fiscal conservatives, requires that the state budget be balanced. More than 90% of the state's budget is spent on education, Medicare, prisons, and human services. Naturally, cutting spending is always the first response of conservatives, as it was for Governor Huckabee. But that solution is inadequate when there is a shortage of elasticity in the budget. Unable to resort to deficit spending (as other candidates are able to do) the Arkansas Legislature was forced to raise taxes to pay for infrastructure repair, conservation efforts, court-mandated education expenditures, and federal mandates.

    The purpose of this rebuttal is not to convince everyone that Governor Huckabee is their kind of candidate. Anti-tax radicals will never be convinced that tax monies can be legitimately spent on highways, bridges, schools, and Medicare. Instead, our aim is to prove to true fiscal conservatives-those that expect responsible governance, low taxes, reduced spending, and balanced budgets-that Governor Huckabee has the most consistently fiscal conservative record of any Presidential candidate.

    The following is a point-by-point response to the "Taxes" section of the CFG's white paper. The portions from the CFG's paper are in bold.

    Governor Huckabee touts himself as an economic conservative, writing in his biography that he "pushed through the Arkansas Legislature the first major, broad-based tax cuts in state history" and "led efforts to establish a Property Taxpayers' Bill of Rights" early on as governor, but he only offers a small piece of the picture. It is true that Governor Huckabee fought for an $80 million tax cut package in 1997 that was passed by the Arkansas Legislature; cut the state capital gains tax in 1999; and passed the Property Taxpayers' Bill of Rights in the same year, limiting the increase in property taxes to 10% a year for individuals and 5% per taxing unit.

    Before the CFG attempts to downplay these significant actions, let's take another look at what they've admitted he was able to accomplish:

    " Pushed through a Democrat legislature the first, major broad based tax cuts in the state's history.

    " Pushed through a Democrat legislature an $80 million tax cut package.

    " Cut the state's capital gains tax by 25%.

    " Established a Property Taxpayers' Bill of Rights

    " Limited the increase in property taxes to 10% a year for individuals and 5% per taxing unit

    Here are a few that they left off the list:

    " Eliminated the income tax for families below the poverty line.

    " Increased the standard deductions.

    " Eliminated the marriage penalty.

    " Eliminated bracket creep by indexing the income taxes to inflation, thereby preventing taxpayers from moving into a higher bracket when their paychecks increase due to inflations.

    " Doubled the child care tax credit.

    " Eliminated capital gains tax on the sale of a home.

    However, his record over the rest of his 10-year tenure tells a starkly different story.

    " The CFG implies that Governor Huckabee made radical tax increases that offset the cut in capital gains, the $80 million tax cut, and the other fiscally conservative policies. As you'll see, though, they have to misrepresent the Governor's entire record in order to make such a specious claim.
    Immediately upon taking office, Governor Huckabee signed a sales tax hike in 1996 to fund the Games and Fishing Commission and the Department of Parks and Tourism (Cato Policy Analysis No. 315, 09/03/98).

    " According to the Cato report cited:
    "Upon taking office in July 1996, Huckabee immediately backed a 1/8-cent sales tax hike to fund the Games and Fishing Commission and the Department of Parks and Tourism. The voters enacted that hike as a constitutional amendment in November 1996."

    " Governor Huckabee didn't "sign a sales tax hike." An overwhelming 80% of the voters chose to do so through an amendment to their state's constitution. He supported the measure, however, because he believes that conservatives should be "conservationist" and that clean lakes, streams, rivers, and forests are a necessary expenditure.

    Notice they also left off the rest of what Cato had to say:

    "In his first budget, however, he redeemed himself by proposing a sweeping overhaul of Arkansas's archaic income tax system. The $80 million tax cut package was enacted in 1997 and became the first broad-based state tax cut in more than 20 years. It increased the standard deduction, eliminated the income tax "marriage penalty," and indexed the state tax brackets for inflation."

    He supported an internet sales tax in 2001 (Americans for Tax Reform 01/07/07).

    " Indeed, Governor Huckabee joined 43 other state governors in sending a "strong and unified message to Congress: deal fairly with Main Street retailers, consumers, and local governments."

    As the letter stated, "If you care about a level playing field for Main Street retail businesses and local control of states, local governments, and schools, extend the moratorium on taxing Internet access ONLY with authorization for the states to streamline and simplify the existing sales tax system. To do otherwise perpetuates a fundamental inequity and ignores a growing problem….The loophole creates serious budget problems for schools, states, and local governments. A study estimated that states could lose as much as $14 billion by 2004 if they are unable to collect existing taxes on Web-based sales. Nearly half of state revenues come from sales taxes."

    " Governor Huckabee supported the federalist position of allowing the states-not Washington, D.C.-to decide whether sales taxes were collected from goods sold within an individual state. Why should the federal government be allowed to say that must be given a 7% tax break over a local Arkansas book store owner?
    He publicly opposed the repeal of a sales tax on groceries and medicine in 2002 (Arkansas News Bureau 08/30/02).

    " The CFG fails to note that Arkansas law prohibits deficits and requires that the state budget be balanced.

    " According to the article cited, the reason Governor Huckabee opposed abolishing the food tax was because it would drain $168 million from the state's Medicaid budget by eliminating the soft drink tax. The article also notes that the Arkansas State Chamber of Commerce and Associated Industries of Arkansas also opposed abolishing this particular tax, saying approval would likely lead to an increase in the general sales tax.

    He signed bills raising taxes on gasoline (1999), cigarettes (2003) (Americans for Tax Reform 01/07/07), and a $5.25 per day bed-tax on private nursing home patients in 2001 (Arkansas New Bureau 03/01/01).

    " The CFG fails to note that 90% of the state's budget is spent on education, Medicare, prisons, and human services.

    " The CFG fails to note that the gas tax was used to fix 1,300 miles of highway, much of which was considered the worst in the country.

    " The CFG fails to note that the cigarette tax was used to cover a budget shortfall. In 2003 the state's chief financial officer projected a $62.3 million revenue shortfall that would result cuts in state services, possible layoffs, tax increases or the possible repeal of late 1990s tax cuts. The Legislature was presented a series of options and chose to increase the tax on tobacco.

    " The CFG fails to note that the bed-tax on private nursing home patients was instituted to generate revenue for a nearly 3-to-1 match in federal Medicaid funds. Without this revenue low-income patients would not be able to find beds in nursing homes.

    In 2004, he allowed a 17% sales tax increase to become law (The Gurdon Times 03/02/04).

    " Notice the odd wording, "allowed…to become law"? Here is how the Cato Institute report describes the incident:

    "In response to a court order to increase spending on education, Huckabee proposed another sales tax increase, and the Legislature sent to him a smaller sales tax increase with a corporate franchise tax to make up the difference. Huckabee let it become law without his signature."

    " Governor Huckabee had three options: sign the bill into law, veto the bill, or let it become law without his signature. As the Governor told the Arkansas News Bureau (1/28/2004), "If this is what they want to put their signature on and their stamp on, then I should let them do it, even though I think that's pathetically less than what we ought to be shooting for, it will let the public see that that's the best they could offer."

    He proposed another sales take hike in 2002 to fund education improvements. (Arkansas News Bureau 12/05/02).

    " In Arkansas, 49% of the tax revenue comes from Sales/Use taxes. Such increases were required to meet the legal requirement to balance the budget. The citizens of Arkansas, like most true conservatives, the benefit of having an educated populace far outweighs a 7/8-cent tax increase.

    By the end of his 10-year tenure, Governor Huckabee was responsible for a 37% higher sales tax in Arkansas, 16% higher motor fuel taxes, and 103% higher cigarette taxes according to Americans for Tax Reform (01/07/07),…

    " As noted above, the Governor allowed the sales tax to increase from 5.125% to 6% (+7/8 cent) to increase funding for education.

    " As noted above, the 3-cent higher fuel tax was used to make needed repairs to the state's dilapidated highway system.

    " As noted above, the cigarette tax was used to cover a budget shortfall of $62.3 million. …garnering a lifetime grade of D from the free-market Cato Institute.

    " The CFG doesn't explain why fiscal conservatives should care how a libertarian think tank grades a candidate. Perhaps they were unable to find a fiscally conservative group that would aid them in their hit piece.

    " Unfortunately, Cato's analysis is as weak as CFG's:

    "Thanks to a final term grade of F, Huckabee earns an overall grade of D for his entire governorship. Like many Republicans, his grades dropped the longer he stayed in office. In his first few years, he fought hard for a sweeping $70 million tax cut package that was the first broad-based tax cut in the state in more than 20 years. He even signed a bill to cut the state's 6 percent capital gains tax-a significant progrowth accomplishment. But nine days after being reelected in 2002, he proposed a sales tax increase to cover a budget deficit caused partly by large spending increases that he proposed and approved, including an expansion in Medicare eligibility that Huckabee made a centerpiece of his 1997 agenda. He agreed to a 3 percent income tax "surcharge" and a 25-cent cigarette tax increase. In response to a court order to increase spending on education, Huckabee proposed another sales tax increase."

    " After praising his accomplishments, Cato bashes Governor Huckabee for proposing a sales tax to "cover a budget deficit caused partly by large spending increases that he proposed and approved…" Again, 90% of the Arkansas state budget is on education, Medicare, prisons, and human services. Obviously, the radical libertarians at Cato consider it blasphemous to have the state funding schools or paying the medical bills of the poor. But complying with state law in order to balance the budget and pay for such entitlements does not make a governor a "big-government conservative."

    Finally, Governor Huckabee opposed further tax cuts at a 2005 gathering of Iowa conservatives.[15] On January 28, 2007, Governor Huckabee refused to pledge not to raise taxes if elected President, first on "Meet the Press"[16] and then at the National Review Conservative Summit.[17] The evidence suggests that his commitment to protecting taxpayers evidenced in his early gubernatorial years may be a thing of the past.

    " Governor Huckabee has signed the Americans for Tax Reform's Presidential Taxpayer Protection Pledge which states he will, "oppose any and all efforts to increase the marginal income tax rates for individuals and/or businesses … and oppose any net reduction or elimination of deductions and credits, unless matched dollar for dollar by further reducing tax rates."

    " It should be noted that Sen. Thompson and Mayor Giuliani have refused to sign this pledge.

    A final word about the motivation for the CFG's attacks:

    " In January when Governor Huckabee announced he was forming an exploratory committee, the CFG released a white paper on his tenure in Arkansas. Governor Huckabee was the first candidate scrutinized even though he entered the race after Sen. McCain, Mayor Giuliani, Sen. Brownback, and Governor Romney.

    " What was the reason the CFG thought he was worthy of moving to the head of the line? The tax burden during his time in Arkansas was better than under Mitt Romney's in Massachusetts. Likewise, his record on spending was better than Mayor Giuliani, who increased spending more than under his Democratic predecessor. So why was Governor Huckabee singled out as inconsistently conservative?

    " The reason is that one of the CFG's biggest donors and organization officials is a longtime political rival of Governor Huckabee.

    " In August the Club for Growth began running attack ads in Iowa on Governor Mike Huckabee. found after checking disclosures through the IRS that the ads had been paid for by "a Little Rock neighbor and political rival of Huckabee's named Jackson T. "Steve" Stephens Jr." Not only did Stephens provide the $125,000 to Club for, he serves as the chairman, along with his Arkansas business associate, Gary Faulkner. Stephens has contributed over $1 million to CFG

    " CFG President Pat Toomey recently hinted that more context-less attack ads that distort Governor Huckabee's record will soon run in Iowa. We'll be ready with the truth.

    [A rebuttal of the other sections of the white paper is forthcoming.]

  • a Christian
    a Christian

    Immigration Facts

    - The Governor opposes and will never allow amnesty.

    - Governor Huckabee believes that securing our borders must be our top priority and has reached the level of a national emergency.

    - The Governor supports the $3 billion the Senate has voted for border security. This money will train and deploy 23,000 more agents, add four drone planes, build 700 miles of fence and 300 miles of vehicle barriers, and put up 105 radar and camera towers.

    - In this age of terror, illegal immigration is not only an economic issue, but also a national security issue.

    - Governor Huckabee opposed the amnesty bill that was attempted to be rushed through Congress this summer, and opposed the misnamed DREAM Act, which would have put us on the slippery slope to amnesty for all.

    - Governor Huckabee opposes and will not tolerate sanctuaries for illegals.

    - Governor Huckabee opposes giving driver's licenses to those who are illegally in our country and supports legislation to prevent states from doing so.

    - Governor Huckabee believes illegal aliens who try to vote or try to apply for welfare benefits should be arrested.

    - Governor Huckabee will stop punishing cities which try to enforce our laws and protect the economic well-being, physical safety, and quality of life of our citizens.

    - Governor Huckabee opposes and will not tolerate employers who hire illegals. They must be punished with fines and penalties so large that they will see it is not worth the risk or profitable.

    - Governor Huckabee opposes the economic integration of North America that would create open borders among the United States, Canada, and Mexico.

    - Governor Huckabee will never yield one inch of American sovereignty.

    - Governor Huckabee will take our country back for those who belong here. No open borders, no amnesty, no sanctuary, no false Social Security numbers, no driver's licenses for illegals.

    It has been reported that Mike Huckabee supported benefits for illegals immigrants while he was Governor of Arkansas.

    Governor Huckabee never supported benefits for illegal immigrants. In Arkansas, illegal immigrants do not receive welfare benefits or food stamps. Governor Huckabee has always, and will always be supportive of the laws and regulations of the country.

    It has also been said that Mike Huckabee was in favor of providing college scholarships for illegal immigrants while he was Governor.

    The governor only supported the measure that applied to those who met the academic qualifications and applied for legal citizenship. The measure didn't pass. Governor Huckabee stressed that any student would simply be treated as any other graduate of an Arkansas High School, and not given any special consideration.

    Critics say that Governor Huckabee's motives behind opening a Mexican consulate office in Little Rock was to court illegals to come work in Arkansas.

    The Mexican consulate provided Arkansas businesses with access to Mexico and opportunities to expand their markets, and would help further ensure that immigrants from Mexico are legal and better able to secure legal documentation. At the same time, the office would open up opportunities for Mexican investors to invest money with Arkansas partners, which would help create more jobs in the state.

  • What-A-Coincidence
  • a Christian
    a Christian


    You know as well as I do Ron Paul can never win the Republican nomination. Look at the polls.

    So then, I'm just curious, who do you like?

    Guiliani ( pro-gun control, pro-abortion, pro-gay marriage, cheated on his first two wives now on his third)? Romney (whose flip-flopping makes John Kerry look like a novice and who belongs to a mind control cult)? Thompson (whose campaign went in the toilet as soon as the hollywood writers went on strike and who can hardly stay awake during the debates)? McCain (who voted against the Bush tax cuts, and pushed both amnesty for illegal aliens and campaign finance reform - robbing all of us of our freedom of speech)?

  • What-A-Coincidence


    2) Straw Poll Results:

    Ron Paul v. Mike Huckabee38-6-1

    3) Ron Paul Leads the Republicans in the Wall Street Chatter Chat Room Presidential Poll
    Monday December 3, 12:14 pm ET

    4) Paul wins GOP straw poll. Texas representative outpolls Thompson, Huckabee at Va. event. Paul polled 182 out of about 500 votes cast. Former Tennessee Sen. Fred Thompson finished second with 112 votes, and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee finished third with 51 votes.


  • What-A-Coincidence

    If anyone has "stuff" on Ron Paul ... please send it as I can't really find anything ... other than being guilty of following the "Constitution"

    The Huckabee Horror
    He'd shred the Constitution 'in a heartbeat'

    "Governor Huckabee, same question. Do you need Congress to approve such an action?

    "HUCKABEE: A president has to [do] whatever is necessary to protect the American people. If we think Iran is building nuclear capacity that could be used against us in any way, including selling some of the nuclear capacity to some other terrorist group, then, yes, we have a right...

    "MATTHEWS: Without going to Congress?

    "HUCKABEE: And I would do it in a heartbeat."

    "In a heartbeat" – there goes the Constitution!

  • a Christian
    a Christian

    Ron Paul leads in no poll that actually polls those who say they are likely to vote in a Republican caucus or primary. That stuff you have posted is mainly a bunch of Dems and independents supporting Paul. That's why his web site gives instructions to his supporters on how to change their party affiliation so they can vote for him.

    Today's Rasmussen Poll:

    In the race for the Republican Presidential Nomination, it’s Mike Huckabee on top at 22% and Rudy Giuliani close behind at 18%. Mitt Romney earns 13%, John McCain 12% and Fred Thompson has slipped to single digits at 9% (see recent daily numbers). Ron Paul is the only other candidate with measurable support and he currently attracts 7% of Likely Republican Primary voters nationwide.

    7% is not gonna do it. If he was going to make any bigger move he would have done so by now.

  • What-A-Coincidence
    Rasmussen Polls: Rigged against Ron Paul (unbelievable!) Wonder why Ron Paul is lagging in "scientific" polls and Mike Huckabee is jumping ahead? Wonder no more. It turns out that Rasmussed asks voters in their phone polls if they want Giuliani, Thompson, McCain, Romney, Huckabee, or "other." Only if the respondant says "other" is Ron Paul offered as a choice. "Scientific" polls? Try "rigged"!

    This makes the Rasmussen poll useless and it should be completely ignored as inaccurate.
    This is typical of those in the media who have their best interest and the interest of those who paid for the poll as the center and truth is not even in the equation.

    You can't honestly think this is a fair way to poll. Do you?

    The only poll that matters is the one on election day anyhow - so whether it is one candidate or the other - we'll all know soon enough how scientific Rasmussen, Zogby, etc. are.

  • What-A-Coincidence

    JUST RELEASED: ...yes yes HUCK is in first place :) but...

    New Report: Ron Paul Third In Iowa?

    Posted December 7, 2007 | 08:29 AM (EST)

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