NEW JW cover-up EXPOSED!!!!! Priceless and Timely

by horrible life 20 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    Fatfreek, maybe the Catholics are finally sick and tired of the JW's bad mouthing them. Or, New lawsuit cases are looming.

    Billy mentioned that there were some other items. I can't wait! Will each KH buy sharpies? Have a bonfire? Buy an industrial shredder?

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    In reality haven't the JWS always been one big cover up, they are well practiced professionals at lying and deceiving the general public

    this is their game and they have all the attentions of continuing.

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    Ohhhh so true Homerovah. But don't you feel, just a little, that they are squirming a little?

    Can't you picture the calling of a meeting, when they realized what was in those booklets, that have already been shipped, all over the world? The cost, of printing and shipping, and to probably have to recall, or just trash them? I can see some canes banging on the tables!

    "Damn it, get the lawyers up here. who is responsible? I thought they said that little matter of the kids, would be swept under the rug. Nobody would find out. This printing loss, has cost us almost as much as paying those rug rats off! Now we have 2 losses!"

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    So true HL. so true

    They better be very careful what they say now about the other Churches covering up their pedophile problems

    will there be even more law suits in the future ?.........time will tell

    " Religion is a fart in a perfume bottle " ......Homerovah

  • AlphaOmega

    Thanks for highlighting his thread - it's easy to miss stuff on here

  • Satanus

    Not to detract from the molestation issue, but.. Then, there's the stripping of trees for commercial use that the tract also mentions. The wt has been into that, bigtime, w their pulp fiction mags, books, booklets, cards, forms. I doubt that there is any other religion that uses as much paper. They are, after all, a publishing company.


  • horrible life
    horrible life

    Satanus, thus the 3rd picture in the booklet. And most of their crap ends up in the dump. Do they still use staples? Well, they are 2 for 3 in their own little list.

    Within the past month, there was a thread, and it showed the WT was fined for something....... Maybe EPA related?? What was it? Anybody remember?

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    I am wrong. Hawkaw pointed out on the other thread:

    Hawkaw said; Besides the abuse scandal issue, you can also put them in with Churches back wars angle too. Why? Well these idiots partnered with the UN from 1992 to 2001 and in doing so voluntarily agreed to the principles of the UN Charter. And what is in the little old UN Charter you ask? Why there is this niffty Chapter 7 that allows countrys to go to war (eg. Korean Conflict and the Iraq Wars just to name a few).

    So they are 3 for 3. Just on 1 page of this new booklet, criticizing others. Way to go you degenerates.

    Within the past month, there was a thread, and it showed the WT was fined for something....... Maybe EPA related?? What was it? Anybody remember?

  • skyking

    Thanks for the reposting on the this thread I never would og noticed the other thread had a copy of the Brochure posted on it. I read the original thread right after it had initially opened.

    Thanks Again.


    Horrible Life..The WBT$ owns 50% of the Rand Cam Engine Corp..I only own 500 shares..Rand Cam makes engines that delivers Bombs to their Target......The WBT$ and OUTLAW don`t just support War!.....Bravo..We`re Invested in War!..Bravo..................Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

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