NEW JW cover-up EXPOSED!!!!! Priceless and Timely

by horrible life 20 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • horrible life
    horrible life


    I don't know if anybody is interested, but, just in case you are, Billy the exbethelite, posted the damning evidence of another JW cover-up.

    It has been up, for over an hour. I guess I'm the only one who cares. Hmmmm Hmmmmmm Hmmmmmmmmm Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 14th post down

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    Ok, this has to be a joke. Why isn't anybody saying anything on this, or more importantly on Billy's thread? It has been 2 hours now. Where is the camera? Am I the only one, that this is news? I am confused.


  • hubert

    Thanks, HL, I just read Billy's post on the "Keep on the Watch" brochure.

    You should link page 3 of the brochure to this thread, if you uwant people to respond, otherwise I don't think they know what to respond to. Can you add it here?


  • jefferywhat

    Is this a scandal or a rare act of sensitivity?

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    Hubert, I changed the link to page 2 of the thread, and said 14th post down. I don't want to totally hijack the new guys thread, He is the only one, probably in the world, to post this on an apostate website. I just think this is really something. We are getting a look at this, before elders even know about it.

    I have done everything I can think of, execpt call people on the phone, which I don't have anybodies phone numbers, or take off my shirt and bra!! And that is not pretty!!!

    What else can I do?

  • hubert


    His post is working well, he's got almost 2,500 views.

    I think the word is getting out okay. Maybe you gave members a push in the right direction.


  • sweetstuff

    Very interesting indeed! I am surprized that more haven't commented on Billy's find. I am not shocked they pulled this little gem from being circulated, lol. Talk about ironic that they would print about sexual explotation of youth, church cover up and ta da, decline in attendance and selling of assests, aka buildings. Hmm maybe they were prophesying about themselves? Next will be and I am betting on this, a campaign regarding Satan's persecution of God's Organization thru the Media. I can see it now, Keep on the Watch Against Persecution of the Faithful Slave.

  • hubert
    Hmm maybe they were prophesying about themselves?

    It's too bad they didn't predict it. For once, they would have been right.


  • BizzyBee

    Yes, it is interesting timing - that the WTS has settled the child abuse lawsuits and now ditches their condemning brochure of the the churches doing exactly the same thing. How do we use this?

    Does anyone have a good letter suitable for sending to the media, that draws a parallel with the same problems in the WTS, Catholic, and Mormon churches? It may be an opportune moment in history for a concerted letter-writing campaign.

  • Fatfreek

    Hmmm ... here is what I understand to be the profound discovery of hypocrisy. The WT deplores (again) despicable conduct of priests of something that they, the WT, have just themselves settled out of court. Again, thanks to Barb Anderson, followed by NBC for bringing this to light.

    Didn't someone say that this is a multi-page publication? Further -- and I don't mean to quash the zeal of this "find" (Perhaps there's something here I'm not seeing) -- but isn't it a stretch to attempt to argue that an entire campaign gets cancelled because of this group of text? I mean, isn't this claim for cancellation somewhat circumstantial?

    Hey, I can easily buy into it, it's probably true, but I must admit a certain bias.

    From what I see, I don't think a major media outlet would buy into the argument based on our speculation. Moreover, I don't think a JW would buy into it.

    Just my 2 pennies.


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