So, Did you do the TWIST anyway?

by nomoreguilt 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • nomoreguilt

    I'm going to date myself on this and I suppose many of you will also. It never ceases to amze me on the stand the wts will take on the latest fads or styles. When Chubby Checker came out with the Twist the wts had to come out and do their thing. TOO SUGGESTIVE THEY SAID. HMMMMM, compared to what we see today on regular TV, the twist was rated G.I liked to TWIST, was good exercise even for a kid.LOL

    How about the fifteen cent hamburger? According to the local dubs,"being so inexpensive it must have BLOOD in it. I was about 11 when they came to our area, I ate them anyways.

    DISCO!!! OMG, don't do THAT! Donna Summers, John Travolta, Saturday Night Fever, NO NO NO.

    Smurfs. Give me a break! Demons, yada yada yada.

    School Dances. Absolutely NOT. Bad associations spoil useful habits. Right. I had alot of Bad Associations at the hall.

    School Sports. Alot of good talent was never developed.Wasted.

    COLLEGE. You won't need that higher learning, the new system is right around the corner. Pioneer, do the lord's work, you'll have your reward one hundred fold. And now , what kind of living are you making? What skills do you have now? Career advancement?

    Class reunions. OH, don't go there. You might regenerate those old feelings you had for someone of the opposite sex.

    I hope I brought back some memories for you all. That was my intent of course. I hope not all of you had bad memories of this, some did, I for one. But, even then , I was a rebel. I did all of it with the exceptionof college. my parents couldn't afford it. However, my sister carried a 4.0 average, graduated second in her class. She could have had a scholarship to many schools. But, alas, she pioneered and married a loser dub. After 35 years of marriage, she's just a secretary and he won't keep a job. Both still very righteous dubs.

    This was fun relating, hope you all enjoyed it. Carry on friends.

  • DJK

    My hips never were any good at twisting. I grew up during that time listening to how bad it was to dance that way. How stupid.

    I like partner dances most of all. I think a good dub would pass out if they saw my wife and I dancing to Black Velvet.

    The hamburger thing is a new one on me.

    Schooling? No one got a chance to know me inside. All they saw was a social outcast because of the JWs.

  • Gayle

    Not allowed publicly for me back as a teenager,,now I'm a 'twisting' grandma every chance I get!

  • Sunspot

    We had a lot of oddball restrictions here in the northeast.....things about blood in Wonderbread and blood in certain hot dogs or brands of chocolate, etc. How about that stupidity that went around concerning Proctor and Gamble? We heard nonsense about Smurfs and Cabage Patch dolls too. I was such a dork and followed all these ridiculous "warnings".....never realizing that the warnings my nonJW friends had given me when I began to "study".....were what I SHOULD HAVE lisened to!

  • Dorktacular

    I wasn't allowed to go to my cousin's house for like a whole year when I was a kid because he had Smurfs AND Cabbage Patch Dolls! My father thought that my cousin's head was going to turn 360 degrees while spewing pea soup all over the place. By the way, the Smurfs never tried to kill my cousin in his sleep and my cousing was much more of a threat to the Cabbage Patch Doll than the Cabbage Patch Doll ever was to him! I think he ripped the doll's head off after about a month.

  • saywhat29

    I was told to watch out for "blood oranges" as they were BAD obviously! Blood!!!!1one111

    I was told that doing sports would take away from field service and that I would be lead into worldly association... like the same wordly association I had throughout the entire day at school but. well, MORE! Wish I had ran track, as I'm a fast mofo.

    Told that dances were bad as I would get tempted and lead to fornication and have a baby!

    And the college was bad, that witnesses who go stop being witnesses only after months of attending (actually I believe this one and I consider it a good thing!) and that people had orgies in hallways and drugs were everywhere... I just wonder which colege they 'researched' because i need to rethink my choices....

    I was told that during the time in the 50's on "I love Lucy' Lucille ball wasn't even allowed to say 'pregnant' on prime time television and the speaker actually said this as if it was a good thing! Like, "WTF?!" And then he said that when Elvis shook his hips, it was all over! You'd think this brother to be about 50 or 60, nope, some 20 year old fresh from bethel! It was quite weird and I had no idea how to reat. I mean, are we allowed to even dance, and if so, how?1

  • WTWizard

    There are reasons for all this. You cannot be going out in service while at an after-school event. You might wake up while in college and not go back to field circus, and they want you now. People cannot be dancing and writing letters or placing phone calls with the bad news at the same time. Children who play with Smurfs and Cabbage Patch dolls are less likely to be out in field circus while doing that than when they have nothing else to do.

    Today, it is a bit different. The myths are more subdued, but the messages are the same. Internet access is horrible. Using a cell phone, except for the purpose of checking a call to make sure they are actually going to be home, is a sin. That Game Boy and Nintendo DS, and various video games, are demonized (I saw another fundamentalist web site bashing Pokemon as demonized; doubtless the Witlesses also demonize it). Pretty much, it's the same reason. If you have 800 people at a Great Boasting Session with 799 of them playing Pokemon, hardly anyone is going to be paying attention to the program, and the news about going to college is going to have no impact (as well as the admonition to pioneer--just imagine having your Kyogre just learning Water Spout as the speaker is trying to tell you that everyone must pioneer).

    It is the same. What the hula hoop, the Twist, and Smurfs did for people when they were popular, Pokemon and the Internet is doing now. They are distractions. I doubt that anyone is going to want to go on a call just as his Pokemon is evolving or just about to enter a decisive battle. And, let them online, and they might just stumble on something that will make them quit permanently or at the very least, take a lot of time that should have been used to go out in field circus.

    The food fads are a bit different. I imagine they start as urban myths, possibly started by someone that has had a bad experience with a food or that just doesn't like a food forced down their throat (or are envious that someone can enjoy chocolate but they are allergic to it). The one way to prevent forced liver feedings is to use the B word. Once that gets out, it spreads among people, and soon you have regional word that a food has blood. If the hounder-hounder gets word of it, it can then spread through several contiguous circuits. And, if the hounder-hounder-hounder gets involved, it can spread around a whole region.

    As I see it, there are only five activities that are absolute no-nos. And they happen to be the ones that are required by the Watchtower Society (yes, all can have devastating effects). They are studying the Bible with the aid of Watchtower publications, meditating on the Watchtower material, praying in the Watchtower format, going to the meetings (or supporting them--remember, a portion of your donations goes to the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund), and spreading the virus in field circus. If anyone abides by these, they are not going to fall for that scam.

  • Outaservice

    I personally heard N.H. Knorr say in a talk that, "They will be twisting their way to Armageddon"!

    Maybe he meant, 'they will be twisting their arms'.


  • saywhat29

    Speaking of dancing has anybody recently read the WT stance of "freakdancing"? Like I wonder who actually broke that down for them, but yeah reading that at the Kingdom hall made me LoL as I pictured a bunch of the older ones even attempted such a dance. Most were mortified that such a thing existed, and some seemed quite interested and even asked the young'yins out of... curiosity.

    I remember the comments that were all, "It's just sex with clothes on!!!!one! It's disgusting and none of Jehovah's people shuld ever be caught diong it. It's these music videos!"

    Howeverm freakancing is kinda raunchy its not that farfetch'd as many cultures dancing at times can look like a another kind of dance if you get my drift. Plus it seem to be a cultural drift, as it was something that originated in urban (read: black, latino, poor) communities and did not necessarily have to relate to sex at all. But to a bunch of old guys in bethel its just 'demonic orgies'!!1one111

  • changeling

    About the twist: In the early 90's a vey loyal and theocratic brother had a party to celebrate his retirement.

    The party had a "fifties" theme.

    It was held at a local gym and the friends all brought their favorite dishes.

    Young and all from the cong. we present and had a wonderful time.

    In keeping with the theme, the "twist" was played and many had a wonderful time dancing to it.

    An elderly, childless elder had a fit!

    He dug up ancient WT's stating the evils of the twist and how it was a pagan fertility dance originated in Africa.

    A huge bru ha ha ensued.

    Remember that Bigdreux????


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