Could an EX-JW Dating Site work?

by Bourne 72 Replies latest social relationships

  • mentalclearness

    I would like to echo another person's comment on here. It might work if you are lloking for more than just the exjw connection. I mean that will get you only so much. There has to be more involved. But I would have to say that for some reason I feel like I can automatically trust an ex JW more than a random person i meet. I guess it's all that brainwashing about how worldly people are so immoral. But right now I'm pretty happy to be on my own until i figure myself out first before i look for someone else. It would be interesting to see.....

  • Ayla

    Yes, Bourne, you succeeded ... in annoying me. Good grief. Make it stop already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Having someone understand why we are the way we are can only be understood by someone who has been there.

    I know people who have dated ex-jws, being ex-jws themselves --- and thinking it would work. Sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn't work. Being on the "same page" helps, but often having the cult background still doesn't provide enough commonality. Part of the issue depends upon how much healing has been done before entering into another relationship.

    In my own situation, Mr. ESTEE is not an ex-jw, but he does understand my cult background. His marriage ended when his wife went into a cult. Telling him I had recently left a cult was one of the first-date conversations we had. He felt immediately comfortable with me, since he sensed I understood how dangerous cults can be. The conversation also gave him assurance that I wasn't about to pull that same trick. Especially when I told him how much therapy I have had to heal from the cult.
    Mr. ESTEE appreciated that --- he too has had therapy and made some big changes in his life. I appreciated seeing his willingness to grow, after my own marriage ended (1997) because my ex wanted things to stay the same --- always. I believe change and growth in a relationship is healthy. Mr. ESTEE and I agreed that one person (in a partnership) going into a cult was not a healthy move.


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