The psychology of eschatology

by onacruse 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Eschatology was and is still a great work of ideology for the WTS. to commercialize

    This spoken ideology is a large part of the doctrines, none of it is based on factual truth but it certainly helped the sales of the literature thats for sure

    and it will probably sell them some more in the future.

    God's magazine company is profitable........ooops there I did it again I spoke " The Truth " dam it

  • JH
    Your thoughts?

    Since starting this thread, you have 4 hours less to live

    We can't escape death...

  • Magick

    JH, is that chocolate milk?

    i guess if you're gonna go, chocolates the best way

  • freydi

    Anybody into going sooner than later?

  • Narkissos

    A similar thread some time ago, it's always fun to compare:

  • jaguarbass

    Somehow you got that funky thinking stuck in your craw.

    Now that you have escaped the tower and hopefully not jumped back into the fire of the godspell, you need to make yourself a new being and reinvent yourself with good thoughts.

  • R.Crusoe

    I think waiting so anxiously for the end poisons a part of many minds which leaves them often thinking, 'I wish the fuck I could drop dead right now coz I'm pissed off waiting for this Armageddon bus - I'm gonna make my own way there!' I know I have!

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