What is it with the human mind

by dawg 12 Replies latest jw experiences

  • OnTheWayOut

    I will oversimplify a bit here.

    The book MISTAKES WERE MADE BUT NOT BY ME uses a pyramid as an example of
    how some people can be so far gone from rational or normal thoughts on a matter.

    At the top of the pyramid, a matter is presented. One person makes a small choice that is
    different from someone elses small choice. That makes him go down a different side of the
    pyramid. First, the difference between his position and that of someone is is negligible. He's
    near the top of the pyramid still.

    As time goes on, he reinforces his different decision with other supporting decisions or thoughts.
    His cognitive dissonance causes him to comfort his mind. He slides down that pyramid. Others
    are doing the same on the opposite side of the pyramid. They are justifying and dealing with their
    dissonance and sliding the opposite way on their pyramid. Eventually, the two groups are as
    far from each other at opposite corners as they can be.

    Before he realizes it, a person finds himself doing things or believing things that anyone on the
    other side of the pyramid would never do or believe. JW's are doing that with the WTS now. They
    are so sure that they must be in the right religion that they make excuses for the religion, no
    matter the evidence to the contrary. The same could be true for Nazis or black gay men who think
    they are Jesus.

    Police chose to be 100% certain that the accused party was guilty somewhere early on in their
    investigation. Because they were 100% convinced, they saw nothing wrong with deceptive interrogation
    methods. They saw nothing wrong with forcing confessions out of people. Later, when DNA actually
    proved the accused was innocent, some police would scoff at the DNA evidence. If given the chance
    to suppress evidence, they might do that because "After all, the guy IS guilty." If confronted by others
    who want to know why they used deceptive interrogation methods, they say that they only do this to
    guilty people. They don't understand how this already reveals that they made up their minds before
    establishing guilt or innocense.

    Many of these same police- later when they see that they sent innocents to jail- cannot imagine how
    they got that far from the top of the pyramid on this side of the slope.

  • R.Crusoe

    OTWO - it is interesting to read your post and how some people who are viewed criminal, evil or sinners by society can be much less so than people in positions of power who exercise their will through an organization which takes the recoil if any of its actions are deemed in error. The individuals pulling all the strings always escape with much less than whatever damage they inflict on others! This is the nature of legal evils! And REDposter (fgt yr name and am typin), I would say all organized religion has inherent problems. They all go way back! No one can check out much of the stuff for sure. So if you put all your trust in it you are building on the unknown. So later when it all goes pear shaped don't be surprised. It's like building on a foundation that you've got some doubts about - your taking a chance - if it falls down in the future don't be surprised! LESSON stick to what you know inside and don't take shit from anyone that you don't throw out the back door when you get home!

  • dawg

    I worked all nothg on my music, I must sleep... I will stop in tonight and shoot the bull over this subject... thanks all....

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