What is it with the human mind

by dawg 12 Replies latest jw experiences

  • dawg

    OK, I'm not picking on JC Cannon pre se, but from what I've read he actually has the belief that he's Jesus, come down as a homosexual and black, becasue God got tired of us red heads and wanted a new representive... one that was black and gay... You know that crazy God, he gets sick of shit after a while and abandons it... he must be tired of the red headed straight Jesus and now wants a change....

    THen I think of my family, they still believe the JW bulll.... after all the evidence they believe...

    Then I think of Nazi Germany, what a bunch of nutjobs there..... and JIm Jones and David Koresh and those now that belive all that Zeigist shit.... and so on and so on...

    So here's the question... what the ever loving hell is wrong with these people? Good freakign God what the hell is wrong with you?

    And you know what< I'm freaking serious...please tell me why you will believe any bullshit that comes down the pike... and sorry to say this any religion is right there in this debate... come on guys, what are you really smoking?

  • AlmostAtheist

    All it takes is one or two false premises to be accepted. Then you can build a whole logical-sounding belief system around them.


  • dinah

    Naw Dawg, I ain't smokin. Can't afford it.

    The dude that is homo-black jesus is whack. Jesus had nothing against homos and blacks. But when someone comes up like that my hair pricks up. Jesus wasn't the lily white dude we see in WT and paintings that white dudes make. If we could take race out of the equation it would solve about 50% of the problem.

    Churches stigmatized black folks because it was the thing to do to keep power out of their hands. I will pump my fist when the time comes. For my black americans, they have answers--in a way. I'm rambling and I'm messed up. Yeah two steps forward, three steps back on the keyboard.


    I need to believe in a Higher Power. The teachings of the WTS are so fantastic, it's hard to believe I once believed. Through it all, I never stopped believing in God and Jesus. Maybe it's because I was raised as a Baptist.

  • What-A-Coincidence

    ""obedience to authority" is highly recommended

  • blueviceroy

    Most people need a story to believe in something , They need to reason it into the scope of understanding , unfortunately, that reduces things to the lowest common denominator.

    People are so used to the story that their mind is constantly telling them about whatever is going on ,that it makes it easy to believe other story's from outside the mind.

    An undisciplined mind is like a poorly done roof and any old thing can get in.

    No understanding of self = Gullible,misinformed,chasing imaginary needs rather than real needs.

    A common downfall is letting the world shape us instead of doing the shaping ourself . Mental laziness leads to a lot of wasted lives and potential.

  • poppers

    The mind is only a tool to help negotiate the physical world. The problem comes in when one creates an identity out of its activity, thereby covering up what one actually is. When there is any kind of identity created, separation has simultaneously been created as well. With separation comes fear, and the desire/need/ compulsion to protect that identity, and that is the root of unhappiness, and ultimately, violence. Belief systems, philosophies, and religions are nothing but conceptual frameworks that provide something to anchor one's identity. It's crazy, and that's why the world has such insane things going on within it - it all arises out of this mistaken notion that the mind holds the answer to life.


    blueviceroy -

    Happy smoke? or so freakin' profound I had to stop my racing stressed out mind to try to wrap it around what you just posted.

    I say that was a gem that I shall save.

    Thank you.

    Just beautiful.

    dawg -

    I was drawn to your thread the moment I glanced at it. I've had an incredibly rough 2 years and the past couple of days I feel it has finally caught up with me.I have been asking myself that very same question. I don't even think I am objective enough to say what is happening in my own head.

    I no longer think I have a clue what's going on in the world when I used to be so certain. I felt privilegded that I knew. I am thankful that others were so smug about it that I finally started to see them for what they are instead of who they say they are.

    I thought I was walking away almost unscathed.

    I realized this very day I have not.

    Thank you.

  • erynw

    I think people are looking for someway to fill whatever empty space they have in their life. Religion seems like the perfect answer for some. Whether it's looking for fellowship, a need to be worshipped, a reason to explain the wickedness in the world, or an answer to why we are here on the earth, religion seems like the answer to some.

    The extremists, like Jim Jones, David Koresh and the JWs exploit an individual's weakness to suck them in and keep them emotionally hooked.

  • Barbie Doll
    Barbie Doll

    ERYNW----I think you are right. People have a empty space in their lifes. We all are looking

    for something, we all want to be loved and feel important. For some people religion seems like the answer. We all want to be loved and hug.


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