Judge: 14-year-old Jehovah's Witness can refuse blood transfusion

by Gilberto 38 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • seawolf

    A lot of discussion about this on some other boards, too...


  • VanillaMocha73

    The other sorrow is that this poor child felt cast out by his parents, because of their drug problem. He finally gets accepted by his aunt (with the conditional JW acceptance of course). Then he is faced with this blood decision. What chance did he have? Stand up and say "I want to save my life?" Then the aunt and the JWs and (he felt) his God would cast him out again. The news story says "he believes with the transfusion he would be unclean and unworthy."

    These people have much to answer for, and answer they will.....

    I need help - I have been awarded full medical decision making with my son and my ex has run right over me with sneaking a "no blood" card into my son's wallet with HIS contact information. So, I know if there is ever a problem, there will be a fight. And I'm sure my son has been indoctrinated in all the "proper" ways. sigh....

  • 5go
    BTW I think the judge got it right...as strongly as I believe the JW blood issue is bunk, I once would have preferred death to taking blood and you don't force someone to do so against their will. At the same time, I hope this will get as much bad press for the org. as possible--maybe if it scares away a few potential converts the boy's death will have helped others in some way.

    Let us slighty change this slightly a boy is trying to perform another highly risky belief ritual. Is the judgement ok then?

  • skeeter1

    Just about a month ago, I watch a UWTV (University of Washington TV) special regarding medical issues when patient beliefs conflict with medicine. Dr. Diekema is a very committed medical bioethicist; it is my understanding that Chidren's Hospital supported this young man's attempt to be deemed a mature minor.

    I think you are wrong. I have a good hunch that Children's Hospital and Dr. Diekema is going to look at the other side, especially the next time.


  • Gayle

    two of 10 top religion news here about this:


  • 5go

    Maybe this will be the one that get's them.

  • alamb


    Please go to the bottom of this page and click on the legal document to be filed in behalf of your little ones. I made it to be filed when you have legal custody of your minors but may not always have physical custody. The JW parent WILL NOT call you in case of an emergency. File this with hospitals and doctors in advance. Before something like this happens again!!!

  • Gordy
  • Gordy

    In contrast to above case :


    [email protected]

    08:00 - 08 November 2007
    A Former Jehovah's Witness defied his family's beliefs to save his toddler's life.Andy Wright's son, Ethan, contracted a deadly bacteria and urgently needed a blood transfusion.

    But the cleaning contractor from Bury Lane, Hatfield Peverel, said he did not think twice about approving the treatment despite being a Jehovah's Witness for 25 years.

    Three-year-old Ethan fell ill on October 27 with a rare mycoplasma infection which caused his red blood count to dip well below normal levels.

    Since then the toddler has had four blood transfusions at St John's Hospital and is now recovering.

    But Mr Wright, a 39-year-old father of four, said although he immediately approved the procedure he feared his family's reaction.

    He said: "I didn't question the doctor or ask him whether there was anything else but for a split second I did think 'is this right and what are my family going to think?

    "I couldn't help it as I have been brought up as a Witness but when it came down to it Ethan was really ill.

    "He was yellow and could hardly sit up but after about an hour into the transfusion you could see the colour coming back to his cheeks.

    "My parents have been fine with it and they have been ringing every day to see how he is.

    "I think they have accepted it was my choice although they wouldn't have chosen it for themselves.

    "But I personally couldn't have sat there and watched the poor lad waste away and I think 99 per cent of people wouldn't say no if their son was that ill."

    There are about 130,000 Jehovah's Witnesses in the UK.

    The faith teaches blood is sacred and prohibits transfusions based on four Bible passages.

    On Tuesday, a funeral service was held for Jehovah's Witness Emma Gough from Telford in Shropshire who died just hours after giving birth to twins and refusing a blood transfusion.

    Mr Wright said: "I know they have their beliefs but sadly in that case it cost someone their life."

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