Greetings from a recovering mormon

by FormerMormon 114 Replies latest jw friends

  • Qcmbr

    Sadly the LDS I know don't believe in hollow earth stuff which is a shame because it sounds fun.

  • Superfine Apostate
    Superfine Apostate

    gotta love google ads: Mormon Girls Mormon Tabernacle Mormon Underwear Famous Mormons Mormon Temple Film

  • Qcmbr

    OK - here's one thing LDS are very guilty of - speculation.

    I'm willing to list speculative weirdness that have done the LDS gossip rounds in the past:

    1/ We will be able to fly after we are resurrected.
    2/ The Lost Tribes live in the North Pole
    3/ The Lost Tribes are floating around with the City Of Enoch
    4/ The Holy Ghost Is Female

  • FormerMormon

    QCMBR -- I'm still waiting for you to refute any LDS doctrine I have espoused. Cat got your tongue, Brother?

    Final note on Hollow earth stuff: I am seeing lots of history, weird and damning statements/actions made by church leaders. They have done their best to rewrite, obfuscate and lie about the past. Hollow earth may be somewhere in LDS doctrine/history. I just haven't seen it yet.

  • Qcmbr

    'I just haven't seen it yet'

    Don't let that stop you.

  • FormerMormon

    Besides,the troubling church history, hell fire damnation, sons of perdition and brain damaging techniques of cults being used by "the church", you are welcome to examine what I said to Tula in this post:

  • neverendingjourney

    Who knew there'd be pissing match between current and former Mormons on an ex Jehovah's Witness forum. Fascinating!

  • ninja

    our god is indeed harder to please than yours ...and our ex members are wackier than yours also........for every osmond you name....we can name michael jackson.........wooooo moonwalks off the thread and throws his hat into the forum

  • neverendingjourney
    our god is indeed harder to please than yours

    From what I've learned, the LDS beliefs are more unorthodox (and thus perceived as wackier by the general Christian public) than JWs, but JWs rules and regulations are much more harmful and overbearing. I've always respected the fact that the LDS encourage higher education and that they don't kick people to the curb as easily as JWs do. That said, both are high-control religions, in my opinion. I would seriously caution anyone thinking about joining either of these two groups.

  • Robdar

    My best friend is a former mormon elder. I was surprised at how much the two religions have in common.

    Welcome to JWD.

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