Greetings from a recovering mormon

by FormerMormon 114 Replies latest jw friends

  • Qcmbr

    Nope I'm suggesting that there are very very valid areas to criticise the LDS faith - I'm not fond of people just grabbing some unfounded accusation and suggesting that its true when NEITHER of us can prove our points y source material or first hand experience.

    If you want to look at LDS weakness try the following:

    Destruction of the Nauvoo Expositor - a bad move by Jospeh Smith
    The Mountain Meadows Massacre - a terrible mistake by local members
    The doctrine of skin colour - a national obsession in the US at the time but one in hindsight I wish we'd led on rather than accepting and incorporating into the beliefs.

    Try these first and if you notice I don't actually spend ages knocking JW beliefs - I quite often post in defence of the JW people in fact.

  • Quandry

    I'm not fond of people just grabbing some unfounded accusation and suggesting that its true when NEITHER of us can prove our points y source material or first hand experience.

    The Mountain Meadow massacre is not "unfounded accusation" as I believe there was a trial and one participant, made scapgoat by the others, was hanged.

    No, I don't have first hand experience, as I wasn't there. I do suggest, however, that PBS, the source material I watched and quoted, is not using unfounded accusations.

    What I am suggesting is that both the WTS and LDS have strange, unfounded doctrine. Why is it logical to you that the WTS stuff is man made but the LDS stuff is all divine truth?

  • jimbo

    I for one have enjoyed the postings of Form Morm!!! Some claim his story is a fabrication. To me it rings true. If it is a fabrication this man should write a novel!!! It could be a best seller.

    FM, you said you got your college education at BYU. Well I got mine from Awake university. Ya!! Ya!! I know some will say that I am making it up but that was a general consensus, if you read all of the Awake mags. you would have the equal of a college education. True, nobody said what college!! My recent Compass test did indicate that I am above eighth grade level.

    FM's story sounds similar to mine in many respects, from a JW viewpoint. The names have been changed to protect the innocent.

    Oh, by the way, FM, welcome to the board!! Your postings are appreciated and are great food for thought. Keep posting and your continuing story may even convince doubters that you are legit.

    Thanks for posting!! You have made my day!!!


  • Mulan

    Figure this one out. One of my former JW friends, age about 58 became a Mormon. When she called me to tell me, I laughed outloud, thinking she was kidding me. But she was dead on serious. How is that possible?

    My husband's birth mother and entire family are Mormons (she died shortly after he was born in 1943). I've met several of them who found us for their genealogy stuff, and they are lovely, warm people, who would do anything for us. I feel for them because they are so misled, but it seems to be working for them, and they are a happy family. I am not inclined to mess with that.

  • moshe

    Welcome FM- reminds me of a Mormon at my doorstep who explained how the two missionaries came to his home a few days after he prayed to god to show him the true religion- so he just knew they were an answer to his prayer- and that is how he became a Mormon. I nodded and then asked him, " so , if JW's had worked your street first that week, you would be a JW today?"- he had a perplexed look on his face and he didn't have a good answer. I imagine he is still a Mormon today.

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