Flog Her!!!

by Gill 17 Replies latest social current

  • valkyrie

    I've known people to have the name Mohammed... what is the problem ? It wasn't an effigy, nor was it specifically named after the prophet. As far as I knew, the class chose the name.

    So, everyone gets up in arms about it, but this is okay :

    Re: "Buddy Jesus," see the report at http://sweetness-light.com/archive/iraqi-muslims-outraged-over-movie-poster-mocking-jesus

    The perceived infraction committed by the teacher may be dual: some interpret the Islamic prohibition upon producing or keeping images to include faithful replicas (having all identifying features) of humans and animals. Stuffed animal toys may be considered to fall into this category under some [contested] circumstances (e.g., is the replica revered, respected, honored or worshipped?). Adding "insult to injury," the possibly prohibited image -- i.e., the teddy bear -- was named after the prophet.

    One only hopes that the children don't take away from this incident the lesson that the mere act of engaging in a democratic vote necessarily has negative consequences [naming the bear was a classroom exercise in learning about the vote].


  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    This is Sudan we're talking about - the place where they still actually crucify Christians - amongst other things.

    Yes I'm surprised she's not getting beheaded or something like that too.

  • RisingEagle

    I didn't follow the link because I read about this yesterday. If its the same source as the article I read I think the best quotes from the article are (paraphrased) 'The children were told to be quiet about the incident so as to not make the situation worse for the teacher' and from a fellow teacher 'I was just impressed that she got them to vote'

  • RisingEagle

    Sorry, wrong article but same story. This is the one I read yesterday:


  • AlphaOmega
    Re: "Buddy Jesus," see the report at http://sweetness-light.com/archive/iraqi-muslims-outraged-over-movie-poster-mocking-jesus

    So... a case of mistaken identity there

  • SacrificialLoon

    That poor teddy bear, how dare they insult that poor stuffed animal by naming it after a misogynistic polytheist pedophile.

  • freyd

    Allah, is the moon god. What more is there to expect? It/he is also the god of the masons and the mormons. http://www.biblebelievers.org.au/islam.htm

  • llbh

    This is the same Sudan where there is mass migration and killing in Dhafur, sponsored by the government. Did I miss something? And they worry about the name of a teddy bear!!


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