serena williams is now dating a rapper,,sheesh

by orbison11 61 Replies latest jw friends

  • dinah

    Luda is hot! Not sure what he's got, but it's unique--brains maybe?

    Why do I sound like my teenage daughter? Somebody shoot me.

  • MsMcDucket

    I loved Luda in the movie "Crash"! He acted his arse off! But his rappin' is too hard core for me! Although, I did get caught up in the song "I Got Ho's in Different Area Codes"! LOL!! Old lady getting that tune stuck in her head! I love Nate Dogg cause he reminds me of my little brother! That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!

  • dinah

    Wan't Nate Dogg kin to Warren G?

    I like the old rap like Public Enemy "Can't Truss It" I can throw down to that one. Paper Boy "Ditty" was great in the clubs back in the day. Luda ain't that hard core, he just likes chicken, beer and ho's. Now Little Jon----YEAH!

    I threw my back out to this:

    Woooo Dirty South indeed.

  • MsMcDucket

    Dinah, you know Luda is way hardcore! He talks about *&^% and curses like a sailor! Whew!

    This video is way hardcore! Warning don't watch it if you're sensitive to sexual content! P***Y Poppin

  • dinah

    Back to the old days:

    Yeah, Luda kinda rough. He just making his money. I have more respect for him now than I would if he was out sellin' bibles.

  • mrsjones5

    Who is this Common guy

  • MsMcDucket

    Dinah me and you could kick it! "Get Low!" Haaaayyy! Party over here! I'd have to sit in my chair and tap my foot though!

  • dinah

    No sittin' with foot tappin'. If I'm gonna be sore in the morning then so are you

    I got tore out the frame thinking about Luda. I've heard of Common. Lemme ask my daughter.

  • stillajwexelder

    Just what misfortune had befallen Serena to cause such a catastrophic effect to her leg garment was unclear.

    Her boyfriend tried to rip them off in a moment of passion??

  • MsMcDucket

    MrsJones, Common is a cool lyricist! Not a rapper! See the videos that I posted above. Everyone thought that he was going to be dating Kerry Washington or Alicia Keyes! Not, Serena! He turned my head around on that one!

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