One of the most horrible things I've ever seen...

by Gregor 20 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Insomniac

    That's so sad. I'm glad I am no longer a tobacconist; I always felt conflicted selling that stuff to people. One of my happiest days was when a regular customer who hadn't been in for a while, stopped in to say hello and to tell me she'd quit smoking- I came round the counter and gave her a big hug! Tobacco is so addictive and serves us no benefit; my heart goes out to everyone trying to quit.

  • NewYork44M

    Chewing tobacco is one of the most discusting activities I know of. Far worse than smoking. I can't stand being around someone who chews tobacco.

  • changeling

    That's horrible! There is a commercial airing in my area of a young man disfigured by cancer caused by chewing tabacco. I hope the target audience gets the message.


  • Gregor

    R. Crusoe

    Other than the initial 'double take' no one around him paid any unusual attention to the man. He sat with his wife and the little girl sat across from them and chattered to her parents like any normal child. I stopped by their table and greeted them as I do all passengers. The wife asked me a question about the trip, etc. Very normal. As you said, how such a person is dealt with by others goes a long way toward their quality of life.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    It kinda makes one wonder what may happen to people who are now taking snuff where smoking in public places is banned.

  • snowbird

    My maternal grandma dipped snuff and lived to be 104.

    One man I knew chewed tobacco and lived to be 106.

    Wilcox and Dallas counties in Alabama respectively.



  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    My maternal grandma dipped snuff and lived to be 104.

    One man I knew chewed tobacco and lived to be 106.

    Wow!! Of course some smokers don't develop cancer and live to a ripe old age too. I guess there must be something about the theory that people may be predisposed to developing cancer.

  • bem

    In our area where the Hospitals are just now becoming tobacco free, the hospital I use just became "tobacco free" in January 2007, so no tobacco use of any kind is allowed. About 7 years ago the Technology center where I worked tried to become tobacco free and people threw such a fit they came up with an area on campus with a shelter for people to use who use tobacco. the said hospital now has a deal with the Tech. Center for their workers to use the campus shelters, plus adding more shelters for their tobacco using employees since they are close to each other. The Tech center being for profit is why they gave in and went back to allowing tobacco on the campus.

    There are lots of girls and boys, Male/female. here who chew and dip, nasty habit. Lots of smokers too.

    I understand the comments about how we view people with something "different" or extraordinary about them, it doesn't mean we are revolted by a difference in appearance to the point of wanting to lock someone away cause of their appearance ) But it's our nature to do double takes.

    *Edited to add my step dad dipped snuff and so does/did his nieces one died with cancer at under 40 years old, step dad died with cancer at 97 years old<> not necessarily from tobacco. and the other nieces are all living and in their 60's and 70's.

  • MegaDude
  • Dorktacular

    My old landlord chewed tobacco. I always knew when he dropped by the house because I could see where he spit outside. When I first moved to the town I live in, people would even chew tobacco in the local grocery store and spit on the floor. That's REALLY disgusting.

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