GOOD NEWS: Illegal immigrant rescues boy in desert

by The Nothing Man 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • Robert K Stock
    Robert K Stock

    Some people will say they did not cross the border the border crossed them. They are refering to the territory the US took from Mexico at the end of the Mexican War in 1848. The people had a choice, become American citizens or not. Those who did become citizens their children and descendants were American. Any of those who kept Mexican citizenship and had children here, those children and all their descendants were born American citizens. There is not one person alive in California or any other border state who can honestly and legally claim the border crossed them.

  • wanderlustguy

    But by the way, I do think something should be done, but if we lived in the conditions they do there, we might very well would do the same thing to better our families.

    Maybe the process is the problem and not the people who become desperate enough to go around it. I know some really great people who are or were here illegally, they have no illusions about how they are percieved. If someone can go through what they go through and then become a citizen, they definitely deserve to be here. It's a hard life for them and whoever decides to help them. But their kids get to gain a life they would never have back in Mexico.

    I think the process needs to be looked at, because there is a demand for good people. But at the same time, how do you filter out those who want to do harm?

  • 5thGeneration

    I agree Robert.

    Canada allows about 300,000 legal immigrants/year about 1% of the pop.

    To me that's a pretty generous ratio as is for the people who wait their turn.

    I personally think it's too high (don't cry racist) just because it's pretty hard to absorb 1,000,000 people every 3 years when they all go to just 2 or 3 cities.

    Anyway, the point is they waited in line and they deserve it!

  • Robert K Stock
    Robert K Stock

    If your country oppresses you and government corruption prevents opportunity, then its time for revolution.

  • dogisgod

    You are absolutely right. The USA needs a revolution!!!!!!! Viva la revolution!!!

  • tsar_robles

    Compelling story...

    This reminds me of my own personal situation many years ago...

    My dad's family have deep roots in Texas, yet when he grew up he migrated south... Mexico City, where he met my mother and the place where both my brother and I were born. Later on as living conditions became more difficult down in Mexico he decided to process our visas and move back to the US.

    Funny thing is the day we crossed the border we were broke, we had only a few thousand pesos (a couple of dollars) and plenty of dreams. Despite us having crossed the border legally, we were pretty much in the same boat as most of these illegal aliens.

    So, for those of us that consider illegals the same as criminals... if this is true, then all of us are also criminals one way or another. Think about it: Who amongst us has not broken ANY law of the land? There are so many laws that people break daily to count, including minor infractions such as speeding, etc. Yet some of these laws do not automatically make someone a criminal. It is up to the government to decide which are and which are not.

    So in any case, my family and I had to break a few laws to get to where we wanted to be. We boarded a cargo train which could be considered trespassing and yet when the border patrol interrogated us about our immigrant status after having stopped the train the officer did not mention anything about us breaking any law.

    Well, I am sleepy and can't think anymore. All I can say is that I have grateful memories of those days when so many 'wordly' people overwhelmed us with aid while traveling close to 3,000 miles. Not one day did we spend the night hungry or without shelter... Thus, stories like this bring us a little bit of hope :)

  • Robert K Stock
    Robert K Stock


    Your situation is completely different from illegals. Your father is a citizen and your family came to the US with visas. How much money your family had or did not have means nothing. You crossed legally. That is the only thing that matters.

    You say that everyone has broken the law making everyone criminals. That is not true. There are many many people who live their entire lives without so much as a parking ticket. Citizens who break the law should be punished to the fullest extent depending on the crime. Lesser crimes are paid by fines, greater crimes are paid by going to prison and being an illegal alien is a crime that is paid deportation.

  • Robert K Stock
    Robert K Stock


    I do not think the time for armed struggle has come for the US. I do think that the federal government has strayed so far from the vision of the Founding Fathers that it is beyond redemptiom.

    That is why I am a member of the League of the South whose goal is secession and the creation of an independent Southern Republic. Like the Bloc Quebecois and the Scottish National party this is accomplished by the ballott box.

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