GOOD NEWS: Illegal immigrant rescues boy in desert

by The Nothing Man 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • The Nothing Man
    The Nothing Man

    Here is some good news - here's me thinking they were all supposed to be bad. Taken from:

    PHOENIX - A 9-year-old boy looking for help after his mother crashed their van in the southern Arizona desert was rescued by a man entering the U.S. illegally, who stayed with him until help arrived the next day, an official said.

    The 45-year-old woman, who eventually died while awaiting help, had been driving on a U.S. Forest Service road in a remote area just north of the Mexican border when she lost control of her van on a curve on Thanksgiving, Santa Cruz County Sheriff Tony Estrada said.

    The van vaulted into a canyon and landed 300 feet from the road, he said. The woman, from Rimrock, north of Phoenix, survived the impact but was pinned inside, Estrada said.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    I heard that on the radio this morning. I'm for legal immigration and against illegal immigration - however, in cases like this there should be a "Good Samaritin" reward and let the guy file papers to put him on the fast track to legally enter the country.... he's a good man, one this country can use more of.

  • silkribbon

    Its not that illegals are bad people. Its because they need to become legal because of terriorism. We need to know who is coming over the border to protect American citizens. Thats why we need passports now if we leave to go to Mexico or Canada. You can leave but you cannot get back in to the states without a passport. I also hope the man gets help to come in legally. Bless him for helping that boy

  • nvrgnbk

    Thanks for this story that puts a human face on this sensitive and important issue.

    Amnesty for Illegal Immigrants?

  • buffalosrfree

    It was a good thing that man done, while we don't his motivation, it was a good thing. But I am entirely against amnesty for illegals, they need to go home and jump through the necessary hoops to come here legally just like my ancestors (european that is) did. Amnesty no way kick their ass out of this country. We as a country, had no problem rounding up all the Japanese citizens (here legally by the way) and putting them behind fences. It shouldn't be all that more difficult to round up a large portion of the illegal invaders and deport them.

  • nvrgnbk
    We as a country, had no problem rounding up all the Japanese citizens (here legally by the way) and putting them behind fences.

    So that was a good thing?

  • 5thGeneration

    Is that like a burglar in your house that saves your kids if a fire started?

    So grateful for his help and he became a hero but he was still a burglar.

    Just thinkin'.

  • wanderlustguy
    So grateful for his help and he became a hero but he was still a burglar.

    I'm sure the Native Americans would have some interesting opinions on this thought. None of us have a real right to be here except for them. We're all descendents of burglars/murderers.

    Amazing how short memory is, and how the terms regarding "our contry" and "illegal immigrants" have come about.

  • 5thGeneration

    Actually, I'm not even American so I don't really care.

    I just don't have a short enough memory to forget what the word "illegal" means in the English language.

  • Robert K Stock
    Robert K Stock

    I am part Cherokee. So I do have a claim to stay in the country, but the American Indian tribes did not pop out of the earth in their present locations even if their creation myths say they did. Kennewick man found in Washington state is at least 8 or 9 thousand years old. His skull resembles the aborigines of Japan called the Ainu and was not an American Indian.

    There was a huge amount of bloody conquest of new territory and pushing other tribes off the land they had lived on for generations. Europeans just continued what had already been going on in North America for thousands of years.

    Let anyone who wants an honest job come to America, but do it legally. The Canadians wouldn't like it if I snuck across their border and it is reported that Mexican border guards beat and even kill Guatemalans and Salvadorans that get caught sneaking across their border.

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