My youngest daughter "busted for drugs...."

by Vernon Williams 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • Vernon Williams
    Vernon Williams

    To All,

    Every parent's nightmare: a child busted for drugs...

    Leah, our youngest, was driving through Billingss, Mo, a little town between here and Springfield. Speeding. Pulled over. Cop notices bag of "green" in seat under some other stuff. Daughter cuffed, put in the police care, hauled to jail, and sets there two hours.

    Then, after all this, they take her out of the cell and haul her back to her car.

    Reason: Because BASIL is not, yet, considered a controlled substance in the State of Mo......

    As things go, Mrs Williams gave Leah the basil to take out to my mom's to make some soup....the rest is, now, a fairly good story.....

    Yours in this [sometimes] comical Journey,



  • nvrgnbk

    Gonna get a lawyer?

    Could help pay for Leah's education, if she needs and/or wants help with that.

    BTW, I've had some good basil in my time. The really good shit.

    Great in Italian cuisine and Vietnamese beef noodle soup. LOL!

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    I doubt that Nvr. Everyone knows the best "basil" comes from BC.


  • BrentR

    That realy sucks! Now she has an arrest record that will haunt her from here on out. Those two bit small town candy ass cops are so bored that they have to create some excitment to justify thier paychecks. I am surrounded by them where I live and they are as obnoxious as they can be at times.

    Every time she fills out a job application she will have to explain the arrest.

  • nvrgnbk
    Everyone knows the best "basil" comes from BC.

    Prove it!


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Too funny!

    Well maybe not at the moment for Leah, but at least a lighter side moment here on JWD.


  • SnakesInTheTower

    MY 2 CENTS?:::::>>>>>> get a lawyer, get the record expunged.

    My experience....

    Everytime I go for a job interview, and they run a serious background check (because I handle money and go into people's homes), a red flag pops up.

    There is a Snakes H Tower out there, and I am Snakes E Tower (OK, so only the middle initial is for The Snakes H is 10 years older and has a drug arrest in a town not too far from me. Only when they run my fingerprints (which are on file from my jobs with the federal government and its quasiagencies) do they clear the flag. I have had to go to the local police station to get my fingerprints scanned and compared to clear it.

    Of course, since I do work in the nearby town that Snakes H was busted in, and it is a 95% black town and I am 100% white, I have been pulled over twice by the county sherriff in recent months.....wondering why I am driving around the wrong part of town (I have a legit work reason, which when I show them my work paperwork, they let me move on). Once they gave me a verbal on a traffic violation (apparently I did not stop long enough at a stop sign or use a turn signal..I am sure I did, since the cop was sitting across from me!) day I may get a cop with a bad attitude and/or a quota to meet...and then there will be I keep waiting for my 2 hours in a cell...

    Hope it all works out for your dont want this following her as an adult.

    SnakesInTheTower (of the "not guilty your honor" Sheep Class)

  • Warlock


    THEY DESERVE IT......................JUST FOR BEING S-T-U-P-I-D.


  • AGuest

    Was the green in plain view? If not, what gave them probable cause to look under the "stuff"? Did they ask her... and did she consent... to search the car?


    SA, of the "on her own and just curious class"...

  • avengers

    How can someone get arrested for possession of basil?

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