Caught quite a doozy at the meeting Thursday night...

by B_Deserter 24 Replies latest jw experiences

  • B_Deserter

    Ok, get this...

    According to the man that gave this talk, we don't need to worry about whether it was possible for the Jonah story to be true (surviving in the stomach of a sea-going animal for three days without dying), it was true because God said it, and that's what proves it to be true.

  • JK666

    You can't reason much more circularly than that!


  • zeroday

    They said it you must believe it...Cultism 101...NO THINKING ALLOWED...

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Mohammed said, " there is no God but Allah, and Mohammed is his prophet." Thus, it must be true.

  • Finally-Free

    I keep telling women I'm hot but they don't believe me. It must be true if I say so, right?


  • LtCmd.Lore
    (surviving in the stomach of a sea-going animal for three days without dying)

    Interestingly, the Bible doesn't say that he survived!

    (Jonah 2:1-2) 2 Then Jo´nah prayed to Jehovah his God from the inward parts of the fish 2 and said: "Out of my distress I called out to Jehovah, and he proceeded to answer me. Out of the belly of She´ol I cried for help. You heard my voice.

    They could save themselves a lot of trouble by simply saying that this was a resurrection.

    It wouldn't conflict with their definition of Sheol, it's already IN the Bible so they wouldn't have to make any ubsurd additions like they do everywhere else, and it would solve the survival problems.

    Another thing you may be interested in about Jonah, did he write it?

    Lore - W.W.S.D?

  • nvrgnbk
    it was true because God said it, and that's what proves it to be true.

    That's good enough for me.

  • Satanus

    Also, the verse says that he was in sheol. Sheol, as every jw knows, is death, the common grave. So, jonah had died, and while dead, prayed to the bible god, who heard him. This, of course, proves life after death. God said so. It should be good enough for the bro. Hehe.


  • sandy

    My niece who was about five at the time asked me about the ark story. I can't remember the exact words but she couldn't understand how Noah could fit two of every animal on the ark. I think that was the topic. I just remember she impressed me so much with her question about some biblical story that sisn't make sense to her.

    I know at her age I was dumb as rocks. She is totally into science and math. She is so smart. She is my one great hope that she'll be the family member to grow up and leave the cult and really make something of her self. Whenever I am around her I talk about science with her. Not that I know much about it. But we talk about different shows we both watch on the History and Discover channel. I always ask her questions about school and what she's learning.

    I get so excited when I think about her and what her future could be. She is the sweetest, most generous kid too. She always wants to help people and animals. I like to imagine that she'll grow up and find a cure for cancer.

    A couple days ago we were talking about the Mars Rover documentary and as the scientists pointed out kids of elementary age now could actually be the first ones to walk on Mars. She thought that was really cool.

    I try my best to encourage her away from the org w/out being negative about the dubs. It's not easy . . .

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    My childhood questions about the ark and Jonah: How did all those animals fit into the ark? How did they know to come into the ark? How did Jonah breathe inside the fish? How did he eat if fish (eaten by big fish) must be bled properly? Did he have a knife? How did he cook the fish? Did the fish beach itself in order to vomit Jonah out onto dry land? I'm sorry all you Bible lovers, but it just doesn't add up for me. I mean no disrespect for Bible lovers.

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