Heartbreak - A Marriage Divided By Religion

by daniel-p 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • restrangled

    A few days ago I learned that my wife (who still goes to meetings and so forth) has/had a "crush" on a man in the Hall. In her own words, she became obsessed with him.


    I think that we as guys, do something pretty self-defeating when we feel that we have somehow let our mates down. We go to the extreme. We figure that we've ruined their life, we figure that we owe them big time and it will take a lifetime of repayment to even the score.....but in the process of doing this we turn from self assured proactive dudes, to reactive mamby pamby victims. We are the ones to blame for that....not because we did anything so wrong to begin with, but because our self inflicted penance was way out of wack to begin with.

    You have turned every ounce of power over to your wife and given her the green light to inflict any amount of pain that she wishes upon you. What was your grave misdeed? Infidelity? Child abuse? Criminal activity? DUI? No, you simply decided to think a different way. Your actions don't justify giving her the green light for anything.

    Crushes happen regardless of whether you are a JW a Mormon an atheist....but a considerate mate will do their best to go through their early married-life or mid-life crisis without dragging the other person through the ringer.

    When people stray its usually because communication has slowed to a crawl and they are looking outside for the solution. It requires absolutely no skills or talent to recognize, console and wow another mans unhappy mate who is convinced their particular Romeo has gone south. Why??? Because every single relationship goes through the exact same dynamic.

    What you can do to stop the bleeding is to recognize this and to stop allowing your wife to inflict pain at will, simply because you feel that you deserve it. You DON'T deserve it. Nobody does.

    The sting that you feel will lessen once you resume a more proactive role in this relationship and develop a mindset that is more in tune with reality.

    This may involve telling your wife to make a decision...and either go for it, or never bring it up again. This may involve counseling for you alone and it may involve marriage counseling. The most important thing that you can do is take back the power you have turned over to your wife.

    Can marriages survive infidelity, crushes, outside influences, changes of direction?.....absolutely....mine and many others are proof.

    But you don't replace one unhealthy dynamic in a marriage with another and expect it to solve everything.

    You are not alone.

    R's Hubby

  • jgnat

    What a silly woman.

    EVERY SINGLE ROMANCE BOOK FROM THE BEGINNING OF TIME is based on early attraction, separation, deprivation, obsession, and then the JOINING. (Insert sparklers here).

    I could give you a formula for either curing her or ending your marriage. Either way, I think you will be better for it. It's scary and it comes with big consequences. I'm just really mad right now that you've been cuckolded all this time. For what. A fantasy.

    I also think it's worth the risk since children aren't involved yet.

    The trick is that she has to break out of the deprivation cycle. Give her permission to pursue all she wants. That glorious romantic glow quickly rubs off in the light of reality.

    1. Give her permission to pursue this man she is obsessed with. Heck, call him up and give him permission too. Tell her it's time to get it out of her system.

    2. Separate.

    3. If the charm of getting all she wants wears off and she wants back in, insist on counselling. Tell her you need a really good reason why you would want her back. Practice a little deprivation cycle.

  • R.Crusoe

    If you find out someone has had a crush on someone else it will deflate your already low self esteem and likely make you feel she is your only option as far as relationships go. You may become overly entrenched in dependence on her because you feel low when with her and maybe even lower without her - it's what rejection does to people. You must decide whether it's realistic to think happy days will return - if those days were mutually enjoyable then you know what your expectations are. If you haven't had long periods of happiness then how do you expect that to change - you already have your answers about how well you are paired as a couple! I am older now and have made worse mistakes than yours so I am no one to talk - given a rerun I would have split and taken my chances in another direction - getting my life in order and trying out things I'd never thought of!

  • oompa

    Well Daniel, I am afraid you and I have too much in common. In at least two ways. Right now I am on my second marriage in the truth, 15 for the first and two kids, and now 10. Common with both both great gals is they are are hardcore JW to this day. So right now things are tough, and I am wondering if this is going to work now, since I have awakened from darkness.

    The second thing commonality is this:

    She told him before he left that "he was living her dream." I'm not too sure how big of a factor it is that I'm no longer in the truth. Would she still be attracted to this man if I were in?

    YES... is a strong possibility. We already know of many, many divided households that do make it. My first time around and with two kids and ten years under my belt and everything in life awesome, my wife became almost obsessed with the husband of our best friends. A couple we did everything with...and he was the PO. She thought it was reciprocal, but it was at least 95% in her head. When she came out with it and let him know is when he did seem to show some interest....but anyway it changed things bigtime...I was not PO caliber.....five years later she became obsessed with a man we had just met on vacation, and was pregnant by him three months later. I knew my spirituality was somewhere between PO and worldly nut job.

    Is there a chance, just a chance that she was not 100% sure she was truly in love with you when you got married.....That was the deal with me. But dub wives can hang in there dutifully for awhile.......my first is still a great gal, a hardcore dub....she had bad mental health problems when she left.....how do I know?? You'd have to CRAZY to leave a great guy like me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.............oompa

    edited to add...I just read a couple of posts before this and forgot to mention that for a few years after the PO loveafest, I hated looking over my shoulder....wondering if she was gonna scream out Oh John (PO) during orgasm

  • Satanus

    'It was this very man who fleetingly entered my mind a year ago - the man I briefly thought she would be better off with. '

    Subconsciously, we know what is on the path. Ego, tradition, religion, the 'flesh', concern w the opinion of others, ideals and other things can lead us to fight against it. I would say, listen to your gut feeling. You know more than you know.


  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    She should love you anyway...but no one can give you advice since it's your personal life, She can't get remarried and remain a Witness unless you commit adultery??????

  • jgnat

    Witness 007, it might be more convenient if she did the deed and got reinstated. Why help her out of her mess?

    I think why this story bothers me so much is that first she did not allow it to be a fleeting crush (which means the silly woman is seriously considering the deed), and second that she confessed it! What could that do other than cause a great deal of pain? This is a mightily selfish woman.

  • Frequent_Fader_Miles
    The fact is even if you had been a strong witness and right there with her she could still feel drawn to this brother. The question is does he feel that way?

    I agree with Jgnat. Let her pursue this other brother whom she views as the panacea for all her problems. Sometimes we humans don't miss what we have until it's gone. The grass is always greener on the other side ... until you get there.

    Don't beat yourself up too much over the whole thing.

  • R.Crusoe

    You know how loyal and loving your own heart is! You must hold it tighter than a banker holds a bar of gold! Value it and do not give it away to those not like you. If you can do this it will stand you in good stead. But it will not be easy - it is difficult to keep it as your focus! It is who you are though - try not to lose it!

  • PoppyR

    Daniel.. I'm so sorry.

    Nothing quite crushes your soul like rejection, but here you are blaming yourself! WHY!!

    This woman chose to spend her days and nights thinking about another man while lying with you. It has nothing to do with religion. It's loyalty, and it's something she doesn't have. And to then tell you about it, how cruel.

    My feeling is that there is not a single thing you can do about it on your own. in the best of circumstances it will take love, commitment, dedication and WORK from both of you, and it appears only one of you is prepared to put those in. She is blaming the fact you stopped going to meetings, but I think it's a lot deeper than that..

    Hugs to you, If I could pray.. I would, but I think time and self belief are the tools you need to put this behind you.


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