Why the molestation issue won't bring down JW's

by proplog2 23 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • moshe

    The Watchtower org. is a Corporation and unless it goes bankrupt, it can live forever. The local KH have no power to effect any changes at the top, either. The only power a JW has is to walk away and very few seem willing to do that. The Worldwide Church of God did change it's teachings after Herbert Armstrong died and moved towards Christian Orthodoxy. Maybe we will yet see some members of the GB develop a conscience.

  • metatron

    So, what would bring the Watchtower down to its knees?

    No Money!

    And what donation trend is disturbing the Governing Body, so as to trigger one cutback after another?

    No Money!

    And what could lawsuits do to the Watchtower Society?

    No Money!

    Forget Witness doctrine. It's garbage that's sustained by mental habits and meager logic. The molestation issue won't bring them down

    immediately but it will accelerate their downward spiral. Halleluyah for that...


  • moshe

    M said:

    No Money!

    Corporations hate to go broke. When they furloughed all the long-in-the-tooth Belthelites in the last couple of years, they were eliminating future medical costs to take care of their elderly. I see them selling off KH's that are paid for and telling the brothers to "go rent a meeting space" or merge with another half empty KH.

  • Jim_TX

    "I see them selling off KH's that are paid for and telling the brothers to "go rent a meeting space" or merge with another half empty KH."

    Actually... this is a good thing - to continue the downward spiral. Why?

    Because, when they do this - usually, they will consolidate - putting two - or three seperate groups meeting in the same KH - at different times. Three congregations in one hall - to 'share' the expenses, if you will. How does that contribute to their downfall?

    Well, when they do this, it usually means that people from one 'congregation' have to travel farther to meet in a KH that is in another congregations' territory. Travelling farther today... with the price of fuel going up - is not a good thing. Many will pick and choose the meetings that they attend... dropping off to no meetings after a few months time.

    The downward spiral continues - time for more 'special needs' talks.


    Jim TX

  • proplog2


  • AudeSapere

    JW become conditioned to believe that they live in a spiritual paradise and allow themselves to believe that as long as they remain tight within the fold they will protected from bad things.

    This is false and dangerous reasoning and the FDS & GB allow it because it all ties in to their goals of control of the flock.

    Bringing the molestation issues to light hopefully will make parents realize that they personally are still responsible for the safety of their children - not the elders, not the GB, not the cong, not the FDS.

    Once they realize that they need to be alert to physical dangers within the cong, maybe they will start to look at other things spoken from the platform and within the cong with a more discerning eye.


  • OnTheWayOut

    Just like a lawsuit for a wrongful death, money cannot change the fact that
    someone is dead. But it hurts the corporation or the city (police force) that
    allows such actions to take place. It is a viable option to make them pay.
    They change because they don't want to lose more money in the future.

    In the case of molestation, I have to somewhat agree with you. It can be
    everywhere. Still, the problem that is pursued in courts against WTS is the
    way they deal with it, not the fact that it exists there. They hide it to try to
    make their organization look better. They chastise a victim or their family
    for slinging mud at someone they don't have two witnesses against.
    They claim clergy privilege when they know something, yet say they have
    no clergy privilege.

    Will this issue bring them down? NO, as you said- it's everywhere. Will
    money problems bring them down? YES. So stick it to them in lawsuits on
    this- they are the ones mishandling the cases. It will speed up their
    money problems. It will also hurt recruiting if it is widely known that their
    rules protect pedophiles- goes back to money issues.

    Have they changed because of the issue? Yes, and they will continue to
    change over money issues such as pedophile lawsuits. But they are so
    backwards in their thinking that they cannot see the most obvious solutions
    to limiting the lawsuits. They will continue to have problems.

  • proplog2

    I bumped this thread up because of the number of posters who didn't just criticized the Watchtower but who also pointed out the need for parental responsibility. The Watchtower doesn't get off the hook but neither do parents who have the primary job of looking out for their children's safety.

  • OnTheWayOut
    I bumped this thread up because of the number of posters who didn't just criticized the Watchtower but who also pointed out the need for parental responsibility. The Watchtower doesn't get off the hook but neither do parents who have the primary job of looking out for their children's safety.

    Parents do have responsibility. YES.

    Let me address that, though. Can parents sit in the classroom all day with their children? NO.
    The law says they cannot in most cases. OR the parents have to go earn a living while they child is
    in school. Not everyone has two living parents that can afford for one to homeschool the child. Not
    everyone has a grandparent who could do it. ( I am assuming parents or grandparents are not the
    molester, themself)

    So, you have to have a measure of trust in the school system to keep your child reasonably safe.
    In today's environment, that would include reporting any inappropriate behavior from adults on children
    to the authorities. It would include warning teachers and janitors and clerical workers what the consequences
    are for isolating themselves with children. There are layers of what it would include. The fact is that
    parents have to have a measure of trust in this system to be reliable. If not, they sue the school system for
    failure to do what is right. That doesn't make Little Johnny's molestation go away, but it helps pay for
    the therapy.

    In the congregation, you have to have a measure of trust in an organization that says they are God's people
    and Jehovah is looking over the congregation, and Jesus is there whenever two are gathered in his name.
    You can watch your kids better here than at school, but still there is a measure of trust. You trust that
    the elders and the "spirit-directed" organization would never knowingly allow a molester to take your child's
    hand and go in the door-to-door service. Sure, it's easy to say that you should be the only one to work with
    your child, but it's not that simple. The child becomes 10 or 11. Brother XYZ has been instructed to look
    after orphans and widows. The organization tells him to help out with Little Johnny. The organization tells
    Johnny's mother that the worldly ones are evil, but to put her trust in Jehovah's people, including Brother XYZ.

    10 year old Johnny doesn't seem to be in danger. If the elders knew of his history, they would warn the parents.
    Wouldn't they? Even if the law prevented them from telling the congregation, they would tell all parents that
    situations might exist here. NO- that would make God's people look like the rest of the world. Members might
    leave the congregation or even the organization. Better to just keep quiet. Little Johnny likes working with
    Brother XYZ. I don't see any harm in his going to a ball game with him, or taking him camping with Brother XYZ
    and his family.

    Sure, if a stranger shows up at the hall, it's easy to see. Still, you have a measure of trust in the organization.
    They tell you to have it.

    Imagine the sister who finds out that the elders heard that Brother XYZ attacked his own son, but there were no
    witnesses to the accusation. They didn't go to the authorities and encouraged Sister XYZ and the son to just
    "wait on Jehovah" and not make Jehovah's organization look bad. Besides, Brother XYZ stopped picking on
    his own son, so maybe he's better, now that the brothers who are "spirit-directed" have talked to him. The elders
    know nothing of his going camping with Little Johnny in tow. Why should they?

    I know. You are going to say that Little Johnny's mother should never let this happen. But she works 60 hours a
    week at two jobs, and goes to the meetings the rest of the time. She cannot afford to take Little Johnny camping
    on her cleaning jobs salary. Too bad her JW parents never sent her to college. But Brother XYZ can afford it.
    It's a blessing from Jehovah. God would never let the people in his organization do this if Brother XYZ had ill-intent.

    Do I need to go on? You gotta trust that they will do the right thing.


    Proplog2..Child molestation is not Unique to the Jehovah`s Witness`s..But..The "WBT$ 2 Witness Rule" is Unique..It Protects pedophiles..It`s a Rule you Advocate....Which is strange.....Because..You have openly admitted on this forum..You kept the doors in your house open,so your children would not molest each other..???..First you go out of your way to keep your children from molesting each other..Then..Go out of your way to keep anyone from finding out,about children being molested......It dosen`t make sense.....???..........Clint Eastwood...OUTLAW

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