Tried to get my mom to watch the NBC segment last night...

by Elyse867 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    As a Dub, I used to think that even if some JW's did bad things, it was infinitely less evil than what worldy people do.

    But i also recall the JW,s saying, "would you drink a glass of water, knowing there is a few drops of poison in it" ???

    Double standards on their part.

  • Justitia Themis
    Justitia Themis

    why all the changes in doctrine' question, and she of course gave me the 'light gets brighter' BS answer. I tried reasoning with her... I've

    The "light gets brighter" is always the expected response, and it is hard to refute because of its emotional appeal. Instead, try commenting that you don't mind the light getting brighter, in fact, you welcome it.

    Explain that what you have an issue with is an organization that is dishonest about its past and misrepresents its history to make it look like it never made those mistakes. Jehovah is a God of truth and transparency. Jehovah doesn't approve of people who are not honest. Making a mistake isn't wrong; lying about it is.

    They have a much more difficult time refuting concepts when you use JW-speak.

  • Hortensia

    Oh Elyse, and everyone else. That's one of the worst beliefs of that really evil religion - the "loving" god will kill 99.99% of the people on earth, man woman and child, just to prove a point that is a load of vengeful crap anyway. I feel for you - my mother died believing all that crap. She died hoping to see her parents again, but not a word about her kids as she knew we'd all be destroyed.

  • Elyse867

    Thanks everyone for the support. It's so great to know I can come here and know I'll be understood. I feel 10 times more love here than I ever felt as a JW. :) :)

  • The Humper
    The Humper

    the conversation i had with my mom went about the same way. she told me that if i keep it up (trying to open her eyes) that she will stop talking to me. so i guess ill be stoping. i do not want my son to never know his grandma because of the cult. maybe one day something i said will grow in her mind and she will see something that trigures what ive said. then she will start to question her following of the borg.

  • Sunspot

    Yes, the light DOES get brighter.....but the bible also tells us that the things of the darkness WILL be revealed and exposed by the light of scrutiny....and we can see that the WTS is no more exempt from these hideous things being revealed than any other religion. You can gently remind your JW family members that all these things MUST take place according to "plan" and according to what they themselves are supposed to believe.

    If these "revelations" are important enough to appear on the national evening news, they are not just what some lone crackpot is hollering on a street corner somewhere, but these have the credibility and come from reliable sources or they would not be ON this particular news show.

    JWs can only hide from the truth for just so long, and then reality will have to "set in" somewhere in their hearts and minds. I wouldn't count them out just yet, a lot can happen that might very well make them have a change of heart towards the WTS. Don't give up---the fat lady has not sung yet!



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