Jehovah's Witnesses Celebrates Thanksgiving

by Wordly Andre 22 Replies latest jw friends


    Andre you silly boy. The turkey is ON SALE and it's a DIFFERENT DAY, therefore absolved of sin.

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Dear Wordly Andre,

    I feel for you! Here is something you could throw out there at your JW family...."What is wrong with Thanksgiving??" (They will probably say, we give Thanks everyday..not just once a year..right?? )Then ask them this,"We only celebrate Jesus Memorial once a year, so does that mean that because we don't celebrate it everyday, does that mean we don't appreciate what he did for us everyday?" So how would celebrating Thanksgiving once a year be any different?? Of course we are thankful everyday, yet because we celebrate it once a year doesn't mean we don't the rest of the year! See what kind of responce you get?? I hope you still get your Turkey with all the fixings!



    Lady Liberty

  • PEC
    I asked all of them if they were going to make a turkey, I got the oh we don't celebrate bullshit but everyone said that they are making a Turkey Dinner on friday???

    That is the same question I have always had, you can't have turkey on Thursday; but, Friday is OK. People will think we were celebrating if we had turkey on Thursday. Don't they know that people think they are wacked either way.


  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    Lady L, I like the way you think, I will toss some of those questions out there and see what happens, a few years ago I told my cousin "oh are you giving thanks too?, hey do the elders know you are here eating turkey? isn't turkey the works of demons?

  • the dreamer dreaming
    the dreamer dreaming

    When I was a JW, I used to tell people:

    we, JW's do celebrate thanksgiving... everyday!

    celebrating it once a year always eeemed a bit unthankful (^_^)

  • blondie

    3 sisters when out to eat on Thanksgiving to a local restaurant. At the end, they found that the owners were not charging anyone for meals that day. Were they concerned that they would not take any money and that they might have "celebrated" Thanksgiving and given the owners the wrong impression. They avoided that restaurant for awhile but went back the next Thanksgiving. They were pioneers you see and couldn' t miss a free dinner.


  • Terry

    Every thanksgiving for decades, each JW family I knew got together and had Turkey and dressing and cranberry sauce with the disclaimer, "Well, that just happens to be what's on sale this time of year." And, that was enough to protect their cognitive dissonance and integrity.

    Suffice it to say, NOT celebrating giving thanks is the least defensible stance the JW's take as far as transparency of making themselves self-righteous idiots.

  • MikeA

    Dreamer, that is right on the money. That is exactly what we were all "expected" to say. Yet...... how many actually DID it? Does the number "0" come to mind for you? It does for me. Setting aside a day to remember is just that: Setting aside a day to remember. We can't remember everything all the time and setting some special days aside to remember those important things, like thanking God for our good fortune, doesn't look like such a bad idea to me :) I have yet to meet a witness, and my family is FULL of them (me, too, til I became an apostate), that does what they say they do....... that is, in this case, "give thanks daily." Baloney! :) On a different note, glad you folks are here. I'll post my little story later. Suffice it to say that something my mother, a JW convert, said to me did stick with me and came to my aid at the appropriate time..... she said, "Don't just take what someone says about the bible as fact, INVESTIGATE it yourself." This was well before 1966, the year she died. That was the biggest "mistake" any witness made in my presence..... telling me to "think for myself" was the final nail in the JW belief-system coffin :)

  • mcsemike

    Terry, very good points. "What's on sale?" What bullshit! If Playboy was on sale, would they approve buying it? If the local hookers had a "holiday sale", would they hire one? This is selling your integrity for money. Sounds like Judas to me. It also sounds like the mud they sling at the other religions. I bet the sale on candy canes after Dec. 25th doesn't cause them to celebrate Christmas. What hypocrites.

    Speaking of annual celebrations, don't they celebrate wedding anniversaries? We all know they are rooted in paganism. Why hasn't this holiday (and the use of wedding rings which even the PA Dutch don't use) been eliminated? Don't they love each other and value their marriage every day?? (Forgot that, I forgot the high rate of miserable couples in this cult. I'm sure some are waiting to celebrate getting RID of their mate.)

    I broke my mother's heart every time my birthday went by and I wouldn't eat the cake she made. After awhile I refused to hurt her further. I ate the cake when I visited. It's the same as the Pharisee JW's eating turkey as leftovers or whenever they eat it. My mother said, "I'm celebrating the ANNIVERSARY of the day I became a mother for the first time. (I'm the oldest of several children.) Her logic is no worse than the WT's. For the last ten years of her life, she made me a cake and I visited her alone and ate it. If couples can celebrate the "anniversary of becoming a couple", then my mother and I can celebrate the "anniversary of her becoming a mother". Same thing.

  • zack

    Every year I have been married we have had Thanksgiving Dinner with my parents. We are all dubs, elders, pioneers, etc....

    My in-laws say it is just a day that everyone has off and that the family can get together. DUH! That was the whole point of making it a national holiday!

    We are heading to their house tonight! My MIL makes great Thanksgiving trimmings!

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