Do u hate the young people ask video or not?

by XOCO 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    I've always wondered if any of those actors are still in the org.

  • XOCO
    I've always wondered if any of those actors are still in the org.

    u know what white dove,

    in da how to make real friends vid the girl who almost came close to scoring with the guy. they are now married (i am not making this up) but i don't know how long. a witness family from NY told me weird HUN?

    it's like he love playn' da Diana rape scene and thanks to the org he knows how to do sex role play now.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Married!? Wow, kinda wondered if they all were from the same hall or not. Wondered, too, if they were all friends in real life or strangers from different halls. Thanks for the news. Is there a way to find out if the kids are still in the org?

  • truthseeker

    I remember the YPA video on "How Can I Make Real Friends."

    The elders in my hall got the whole congregation to rent a hall and watch this video due to the alarmingly high turnover rate of JW youth.

    Watching a video is not going to make you friends if you have none anyway and your peers are to stuck up to bother with you.

  • 5go

    I remember that video. It did nothing for me other get me pissed off the someone else was married ( I knew about the behind the scenes stuff sick ) and I wasn't.

    Needless to say the only friends you will ever find with that video will never think of the real human. You are only the a fellow dub and that is it. Stop being a dub and you are pond scum to them.

  • Mincan

    Oh shit I wish I had those two ... my parents have 'em both on VHS.

    That would be the shit to get baked and watch those! Guarenteed good couple hours of hardcore bust-a-gut laughing...

  • XOCO

    i would like to thank everyone on their reply's it was so much fun & hilarious . in my opinion the "What Do I Want To Be When I Grow Up" vid was just an renactment of Timothy and they just added an old person who survived the holocost just to make the views feel sad it sure enough just made me cry feel guilt.

    Thanks XOCO (recovering from my enduced puking session)

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