The beautiful, beautiful 'Theory of Evolution'.

by nicolaou 41 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • nvrgnbk

    The Cosmos is beautiful without him.

  • Have you ever stargazed on a clear dark night, far from the lights of civilization? On such a night, with the stars like a scattering of diamond dust across the black vault of the heavens, it is easy to understand why the ancients thought the sky was a vast domed firmament arching over the world. But the truth is even more awe-inspiring: each of those faint twinkles is a great sun like our own, though unimaginably far away, and what you see are the lonely few photons that set out from their home star tens of thousands of years ago, that have traveled for trillions of miles across the gulfs of space to finally arrive at the small blue world that is our Earth, and at the terminus of this vast journey, passing through your pupil and striking the retina of your eye, becoming electrochemical flashes carried through the optic nerve and into your brain - becoming thought, a thought that began in the fiery fusion of hydrogen atoms in the heart of a star across the galaxy, or across the entire visible universe, before human civilization or even the human species existed.

  • Caedes
    Nothing is added which wasn't already there

    it's all just evolution, the link above shows your new bacteria.

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