The downside of no longer being a JW

by Quandry 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Quandry

    We have discovered a downside to no longer being a JW.

    As we were washing clothes today, my husband remarked that since we no longer attend meetings, we are not constantly sending suits and dresses to the dry cleaners and alas, we no longer get hangers and are going to have to (gasp) buy some!

    What down sides can you think of?

  • carla

    Hells Bells girl! I'll send every jw hangars if that's what their hang up is about leaving!

  • Quandry

    Carla, that is hilarious!!!

    Maybe you can start pre-packaging some for direct mailing as I'm sure many would leave if they didn't have this constant worry!!

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Good morning, Quandry and Hubby:

    All my old service and meeting bags and briefcases (about a half-dozen) are currently filled with work-related materials and non-religious reading matter. The downside is that I am becoming worldly, i.e., more secular-oriented, not to mention realistic.

    Is that bad?


  • WTWizard

    The hangers are not that expensive. A box of 30 at Target is about $5 or so. That is less than the amount the hounders want you to put into the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund, let alone gas money for the trip to the Kingdumb Hell or the dry cleaning bill.

    What I do miss are the snags. No longer do I get to fog up the windows, let the heat out of the car so those warm-up breaks last longer, or get in on those organization snafus that eat into field circus time. Nor do I get to ride all around town hunting for a call, only to find the person not home.

  • Blueblades

    Quandry! We get up late on saturday and sunday, get dressed to go to ( the meetings and field service ) NOT. The downside is that we have to suffer like the worldly people on weekends and get up late and go out to have a nice breakfast, then a lunch , then a movie and or shopping, finally a nice dinner with wine, then top that off with a cozy bedtime xxx. Ohh!, what a downside of no longer being a JW.

    PS. Then spending some time here on The JWD with all our friends here, another downside we have to put up with.


  • Sunspot


    I have been out of the WTS eight years now......and try as I might....I cannot FIND or think of a downside to leaving! It is ALL a plus!!!!

  • flipper

    I agree with Sunspot , there is No downside to not being a witness. Glad I got out ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • nvrgnbk

    Don't you ever get a craving for a bean burrito and a vanilla pudding, washed down with a lemon-lime Shasta?

  • Enjoying freedom
    Enjoying freedom

    I agree with Sunsport - there is absolutely no downside of no longer being a JW!

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