Which Bible to start instead of NWT?

by yknot 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • yknot

    Dear JWDers,

    I would like yalls opinions on which other Bible translation is a good to start for reading when weaning off the NWT? Thank you in advance for your suggestions!

    Baby Steps


  • momzcrazy

    Hey yknot! My neighbor gave me her American Standard Version. It's a literal translation, so it's not so much like a story. But it's also a study version so there is a cool running commentary at the bottom.


  • zeroday

    Depends on what you are looking for in a Bible. All Bibles are an interpretation of those that wrote them there are no original manuscripts to compare any modern day Bible to see if it is completely accurate...Therefore it is open to interpretation and understanding.

  • BFD

    I started with KJV but switched to NIV after some posters here suggested it.

    NIV is much easier to read although I still use both.


  • AnneB

    Another step would be to research and decide whether "bible" is synonymous with "scripture" (as in "all scripture is inspired...").


  • *summer*

    I use the "New King James"

    Baby steps are the best. Slowly but surely:-)


  • skeeder

    I have a parallel Bible. It has 8 different translations, including those mentioned above, in one cover. I find it hepful to compare to get the sense of the scripture.


  • tula

    I would suggest that you to go www.BibleGateway.com and look over all the translations there. It gives the same verse translated from probably dozens of bible versions. That way you can decide which is easiest to read for you and also which version you think is closer to being realistic. I would opt for a concordance book by itself. I find that I am always writing notes and adding to the concordance in my bible.

  • betterdaze

    Hi, yknot.

    In my exodus of all things Watchtower, focusing Jesus's statements exclusively helped me the most.

    Therefore I was drawn to the NIV translation, with his words in printed in red ink against the rest of the black text. I know some people make fun of it. But it really helped me focus!

    I have an Orthodox slash Anglican buddy who swears by the NRSV: New Revised Standard Version. It's very good, too.

    And the Jerusalem Bible, that was the tome in our former Catholic home.

    tula suggests biblegateway.com and I second that as a great resource. I visit there all the time to do lookups and comparisons.

    All the best to you in your bible reading and research.


  • Satanus

    Best, all around, NRSV. It has incorporated some of the dead sea scolls info.


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