(Attn Girls) What color should I color my hair?

by reneeisorym 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • reneeisorym

    I'm REALLY ready for a change. My hair has been the same for two years now and I just want something different. I would do it pink or whatever but I have an appointment with my hair cutter person (1 mile from my house) -- not my crazy color person (who is two hours away) .... This one has colored my hair twice and does a great job but she is just not one to do crazy off the wall things. We'll save that for next time.

    For now -- Blonde? Brown? Black? RED? ... No highlights this time (saving the real fun for when I have time to visit the other girl)

  • XOCO

    i think u better as a blond u would have more fun lol!

  • TheSilence

    My vote is red. You have a really pretty face that I think would be set off very well with red hair. Of course I have absolutely no fashion sense at all, not generally being interested in such things, so you may not want to pay attention to my opinion.


  • momzcrazy

    I like your hairstyle! I had highlites like yours and I just went back to a richer brown than my natural. Then I got Pantene Conditioner for darker browns and it added cool highlites. Cheapest dye job I ever got!

    I say go platnium blond and then get dark brown underneath. Everyone's doing that here in TN how 'bout Miss?


  • momzcrazy

    I like your hairstyle! I had highlites like yours and I just went back to a richer brown than my natural. Then I got Pantene Conditioner for darker browns and it added cool highlites. Cheapest dye job I ever got!

    I say go platnium blond and then get dark brown underneath. Everyone's doing that here in TN how 'bout Miss?


  • reneeisorym

    This picture was taken about six months ago. My hair is longer now and I think I'm going to get it shaped up a good deal but leave it long over the winter.

    I can't do different colors underneath because this lady "doesn't do that". She'll give you basic highlights or dye it but that's about it. She gives an awesome haircut and is the only person I've ever met that can fix my hair better than me!

    I might just like this red idea ... I'm scrared though! Maybe straberry blonde? I have no idea!

  • Amber Rose
    Amber Rose

    Looking at the picture, I'd say strawberry blonde. I think it would look good with your coloring especially if that's the way you usually do your make up. Secondly, if you don't like it, it would be easy to change.

  • Jim_TX

    First - you are a very beautiful young lady. You could get away with almost any color that you choose.

    You have nice brown eye color - and your eyebrows are a brown - that could fit with most any color hair you choose.

    So... I say a nice color red. Not strawberry blonde - but deep bright red.

    My wife did that about a year or more ago - and was able to pull it off pretty well, too.

    The thing that I have learned about hair coloring (by observing my wife - who colors her hair) is that for the first day or two it will be a 'shocking' color (whatever color is chosen), but after a couple of days, and perhaps after a hair washing or so - it tones down a bit - to look quite lovely for the duration of the color.

    The important thing to remember is to use a good quality color - which I am sure that you already know.

    Good Luck - and whatever color you choose - keep us posted - pictures you know.


    Jim TX

  • reneeisorym

    Ya know .. I was thinking red this morning. Then I asked two guys I work with (maybe that was my mistake!) and they said "no, that's not in style anymore."

    So you guys made me feel better. Maybe I will try red. I'll post a picture of what I choose. I'm still listening for opinions though.

  • purplesofa

    dk brown/black for winter time.........


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