My daughter got shunned today.

by momzcrazy 21 Replies latest social family

  • momzcrazy

    My 12 year old daughter works in the office at her school. A sister was checking her son in late and the secretary said,"Courtney will get you a late return slip." And Lisa just turned around and left. And at the chili supper she completely ignored her.

    Courtney said, "Now I know what you mean. I'm glad I'm out."

    Can you believe it? To a 12 yr old child! I'm not even DF'd or DA'd.


  • solidergirl

    Thats what I call self righteous thinking. She made herself look like an ass hole. The sister was probably thinking mother like daughter. I never remember Jesus shunning anyone. He even talk to the Pharises ( I know I spell that wrong) King David still talk to Saul even preserve his life after it was a known fact that Saul no longer had Jehovah holy spirit.

  • R.F.

    That would've been the perfect opportunity for your daughter to engage in a little conversation with the secretary as to why the sister treated your daughter like that.

    It truly is sad. Shunning is such an idiotic practice. What is so faith damaging about being in that situation that leads one to not address a 12 year old??


  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    I've never been a JW, but I thought JWs could talk to disfellowshipped members if they had business to conduct. (either way, what a bunch of weasels)

  • momzcrazy

    Double Edge, Yes they can if it is necessary. But no one in our house is disfellowshipped. I am listed as inactive. Technicallity I know, since we're never going back.


  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    Call up the mom and ask "What's your problem? I'd appreciate you treating my child curteously and if you have anything WE need to discuss then I'll be happy to talk with the meantime, knock off the silly and unscriptural behavior!" (moron )

  • free2think

    That is so disgusting.

    First of all they are supposed to at least be civil to ex witnesses when they are performing a service.

    Secondly you're not even df'd or da'd and thirdly you weren't even there so what was the point, like WTF?

    Like that kind of behaviour is really gonna make your daughter say 'mummy i wanna go back to the kingdumb hell.'

    Im sorry this happened to your daughter.

    But i loved her thoughts on her actions

  • metatron

    For countless Witnesses, shunning is their 'golden ticket' to be rude. What's really positive about it is that it is spreading a bad witness

    about the organization as unloving and ill mannered. It is slowly driving people away and that's good.


  • primitivegenius

    wont work....... that superior attitude is ALL they have. that is the only way they can feel good about themselves.. lets face it.. you have a religion (CULT) where more than 50% of their people work in the cleaning business. so they get to go clean tolits for a living or wash windows....... whatever. so the only way they can feel that they have made something of themselves or even that they have a future........... is to look forward to the new system and come up with all sorts of bulls*** that they will do then.

    ill travel the world in the new system........... well all ride horses in the new system............ no computers in the new system...... cause we wont have electricity........ bs bs bs

    fact is they could travel the world NOW, except all their money is being funneled into a publishing company that pretends to be a religion.

    the other way they make something of themselvers........... they look down on EVERYONE else who suspiciously dosent measure up......... up to what? god takes us all as we are. so that B............ tries to make a 12 yr old feel bad because her mother isnt doing what MEN say she should.

    they pull people in....... love bomb them into submission............ then when they get baptised......... it all changes.

    now the clothes they wore to attend the meetings arent good enough........ jeans............... what........ no you need a suit....... but not a wild suit. and your firebird is no longer suitable........ you need a ugly a$$ mercury grand marquee..... a veritable box on wheels. cause you can get 6 people in that bastard for service.......... and then no one pitches in any gas money. oh your sideburns come down three inches from the top of your ears............. you cant have any privledges......... facial hair................we will let you have a mustache but THATS IT..........(jesus had a beard) oh oh what kind of music do you listen to.......... if its not classical........ were gonna have a problem with you..........

    so shallow people are jealous that we are living our damn lives while they are stuck trying to make themselves feel better by being snobs.............. better them than me

  • Paralipomenon
    Courtney said, "Now I know what you mean. I'm glad I'm out."

    If you can say one positive thing about their shunning, this would be it.

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