A Jewish President?

by nvrgnbk 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • nvrgnbk

    I want to thank a Christian for the A Mormon President? thread that inspired this one.

    So, what do you think?

    What would you think about a Jewish Prez?



    Keep in mind, the current President of the United States of America thinks God talks to him.

    We all see how well that's been working out.

  • Burger Time
    Burger Time

    At least we would laugh for the right reasons.

  • stillajwexelder

    Well of course Lieberman was Gor's running mate in 2000 -so you would have had a Jewish VP. Henry Kissinger was Sec of State for Nixon and he is Jewish.

    My boss said he did not think Middle America was quite ready for a Jewish president just yet

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    A Wiccan could be good because they tend to 'live and let live'

    Atheists can be almost as fanatical at pushing their beliefs (non-beliefs?) as any of the other major religions imho

    but then I don't live in the US so my view prolly won't count!

  • nvrgnbk
    Atheists can be almost as fanatical at pushing their beliefs (non-beliefs?) as any of the other major religions imho

    Listen here, you...


    An atheist Prresident would just be a true secularist. He/she wouldn't be saying I have faith God will "this" or God will "that". He/she would seek real-world solutions to real-world problems.

  • Leolaia

    I would guess Reynolds Wrap will start charging $10 a roll once the demand for tinfoil goes up as the internet is glutted with even more websites about the Joos lizard overlords Masons Zionists in control of everything.

  • Dorktacular

    Truly if a President takes his Oath Of Office seriosuly, relgion shouldn't be a consideration. His oath is to uphold the constitution of the United States and defend America. That's it.

    That being said, there are waaaay too many religious groups who seek to elect a candidate based on religios beleifs. Personally, I don't give a crap what religion the President is, just as long as he doesn't expect me to adhere to his beliefs like they were the law of the land. Here in the South, too many relgious groups control things that they should not have a hand in. For instance, rules regarding the availability of alcohol, rules regarding acceptable sexual conduct between people (even if they're married), etc.

    Personally, if we had a Jewish president the only thing I'd want to know is where does he get his bagels so I can get some too!

  • bikerchic

    Personally, if we had a Jewish president the only thing I'd want to know is where does he get his bagels so I can get some too!

    That and maybe the promise of a bagel in every tummy!

    My only thought about a Jewish President is would he/she control the people's money (our hard earned tax dollars!) as tightly as he/she controls his/her purse strings? If so yay!

    I've worked for way too may Jewish employers, sigh.

  • jaguarbass

    How about a president elected by the American people? Not an electorial college.

  • karvel

    no jews! unless they're not zionists...then it's fine.

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